function Set-B1HAGroup { <# .SYNOPSIS Updates an existing HA Group in BloxOneDDI .DESCRIPTION This function is used to update an existing HA Group in BloxOneDDI .PARAMETER Name The name of the HA Group to modify .PARAMETER Mode The mode to update the HA Group to .PARAMETER PrimaryNode The hostname or FQDN of the primary BloxOneDDI Host to update .PARAMETER SecondaryNode The hostname or FQDN of the secondary BloxOneDDI Host to update .PARAMETER Description The new description/comment to modify the HA Group to .PARAMETER Tags Any tags you want to apply to the HA Group .PARAMETER id The id of the HA Group to update. Accepts pipeline input .EXAMPLE PS> Set-B1HAGroup -Name "MyHAGroup" -Mode "active-passive" -PrimaryNode "bloxoneddihost1.mydomain.corp" -SecondaryNode "bloxoneddihost2.mydomain.corp" -Description "DHCP HA Group" -Tags @{"TagName"="TagValue"} .FUNCTIONALITY BloxOneDDI .FUNCTIONALITY IPAM .FUNCTIONALITY DHCP #> param( [Parameter(ParameterSetName="Default",Mandatory=$true)] [String]$Name, [ValidateSet("active-active", "active-passive", "advanced-active-passive")] [String]$Mode, [String]$PrimaryNode, [String]$SecondaryNode, [String]$Description, [System.Object]$Tags, [Parameter( ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, ParameterSetName = "ID", Mandatory = $true )] [String]$id ) process { if ($id) { $HAGroup = Get-B1HAGroup -id $id -Strict -Fields name,mode,hosts,comment,tags } else { $HAGroup = Get-B1HAGroup -Name $Name -Strict -Fields name,mode,hosts,comment,tags } if (!($HAGroup)) { Write-Error "HA Group does not exist: $Name." } else { if ($Mode) { $HAGroup.mode = $Mode if ($Mode -eq "active-active") { $HAGroup.hosts[0].role = "active" $HAGroup.hosts[1].role = "active" } else { $HAGroup.hosts[0].role = "active" $HAGroup.hosts[1].role = "passive" } } if ($PrimaryNode) { if (!($PrimaryHost = (Get-B1Host -Name $PrimaryNode -BreakOnError).legacy_id)) { $PrimaryHostConfig = @{ "host" = "dhcp/host/$($PrimaryHost.legacy_id)" "role" = "active" } $HAGroup.hosts[0] = $PrimaryHostConfig } } else { $HAGroup.hosts[0].PSObject.Properties.Remove(0) } $HAGroup.hosts[0].PSObject.Properties.Remove('port') if ($SecondaryNode) { if (!($SecondaryHost = (Get-B1Host -Name $SecondaryNode -BreakOnError).legacy_id)) { $HAGroup.hosts[1].host = "dhcp/host/$($SecondaryHost.legacy_id)" if ($Mode -eq "active-passive" -or $Mode -eq "advanced-active-passive") { $SecondaryRole = "passive" } else { $SecondaryRole = "active" } $SecondaryHostConfig = @{ "host" = "dhcp/host/$($SecondaryHost.legacy_id)" "role" = "$($SecondaryRole)" } $HAGroup.hosts[1] = $SecondaryHostConfig } } $HAGroup.hosts[1].PSObject.Properties.Remove('port') if ($Description) { $HAGroup.comment = $Description } if ($Tags) { $HAGroup.tags = $Tags } $HAGroupID = $ $HAGroup.PSObject.Properties.Remove('id') $splat = $HAGroup | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 5 if ($ENV:IBPSDebug -eq "Enabled") { $splat } $Result = Query-CSP -Method PATCH -Uri $($HAGroupID) -Data $splat | Select-Object -ExpandProperty result -EA SilentlyContinue -WA SilentlyContinue if ($ -eq $HAGroupID) { Write-Host "Updated DHCP HA Group $($ Successfully." -ForegroundColor Green return $Result } else { Write-Host "Failed to update DHCP HA Group $($" -ForegroundColor Red } } } } |