function Get-B1DHCPLease { <# .SYNOPSIS Retrieves a list of DHCP Leases from BloxOneDDI IPAM .DESCRIPTION This function is used to query a list of DHCP Leases from BloxOneDDI IPAM .PARAMETER Range Indicates whether to search by DHCP Range .PARAMETER RangeStart The start address of the DHCP Range to search .PARAMETER RangeEnd The end address of the DHCP Range to search .PARAMETER Address Filter the DHCP Leases by IP Address .PARAMETER MACAddress Filter the DHCP Leases by MAC Address .PARAMETER Hostname Filter the DHCP Leases by Hostname .PARAMETER HAGroup Filter the DHCP Leases by HA Group .PARAMETER DHCPServer Filter the DHCP Leases by DHCP Server .PARAMETER Space Filter the DHCP Leases by IPAM Space .PARAMETER Limit Limits the number of results returned, the default is 100 .PARAMETER Offset Use this parameter to offset the results by the value entered for the purpose of pagination .PARAMETER Strict Use strict filter matching. By default, filters are searched using wildcards where possible. Using strict matching will only return results matching exactly what is entered in the applicable parameters. .PARAMETER Fields Specify a list of fields to return. The default is to return all fields. .EXAMPLE PS> Get-B1DHCPLease -Range -RangeStart -RangeEnd -Limit 100 .EXAMPLE PS> Get-B1DHCPLease -Address "" .FUNCTIONALITY BloxOneDDI .FUNCTIONALITY DHCP #> [CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName="st")] param ( [Switch][parameter(ParameterSetName="htree")] $Range, [String][parameter(ParameterSetName="htree", Mandatory=$true)] $RangeStart, [String][parameter(ParameterSetName="htree")] $RangeEnd, [String][parameter(ParameterSetName="std")] $Address, [String][parameter(ParameterSetName="std")] $MACAddress, [String][parameter(ParameterSetName="std")] $Hostname, [String][parameter(ParameterSetName="std")] $HAGroup, [String][parameter(ParameterSetName="std")] $DHCPServer, [String]$Space, [String]$Limit = 100, [String]$Offset = 0, [String[]]$Fields, [switch]$Strict ) $MatchType = Match-Type $Strict if ($Limit) { $LimitString = "_limit=$($Limit)&" } if ($Range -or $RangeStart -or $RangeEnd) { $Range = $true $B1Range = Get-B1Range -StartAddress $RangeStart -EndAddress $RangeEnd if ($Range) { Query-CSP -Method GET -Uri "ipam/htree?$($LimitString)view=SPACE&state=used&node=$($" | Select-Object -ExpandProperty results -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue | Select-Object -ExpandProperty dhcp_info -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue } else { Write-Host "Error. Range not found." -ForegroundColor Red } } else { $HAGroups = Get-B1HAGroup $DHCPHosts = Get-B1DHCPHost [System.Collections.ArrayList]$Filters = @() [System.Collections.ArrayList]$QueryFilters = @() if ($Address) { $Filters.Add("address==`"$Address`"") | Out-Null } if ($MACAddress) { $Filters.Add("client_id==`"$MACAddress`"") | Out-Null } if ($Hostname) { $Filters.Add("hostname$MatchType`"$Hostname`"") | Out-Null } if ($HAGroup) { $HAGroupId = ($HAGroups | Where-Object {$ -eq $HAGroup}).id $Filters.Add("ha_group==`"$HAGroupId`"") | Out-Null } if ($DHCPServer) { $DHCPHostId = (Get-B1DHCPHost -Name $DHCPServer -Strict:$Strict).id $Filters.Add("host==`"$DHCPHostId`"") | Out-Null } if ($Space) { $SpaceUUID = (Get-B1Space -Name $Space -Strict).id $Filters.Add("space==`"$SpaceUUID`"") | Out-Null } if ($Filters) { $Filter = Combine-Filters $Filters $QueryFilters.Add("_filter=$Filter") | Out-Null } $QueryFilters.Add("_limit=$Limit") | Out-Null $QueryFilters.Add("_offset=$Offset") | Out-Null if ($Fields) { $Fields += "ha_group,host" $QueryFilters.Add("_fields=$($Fields -join ",")") | Out-Null } if ($QueryFilters) { $QueryString = ConvertTo-QueryString $QueryFilters } if ($QueryString) { Query-CSP -Method GET -Uri "dhcp/lease$QueryString" | Select-Object -ExpandProperty results -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue | Select-Object @{Name = 'ha_group_name'; Expression = {$ha_group = $_.ha_group; (@($HAGroups).where({ $ -eq $ha_group })).name }},@{Name = 'dhcp_server'; Expression = {$dhcpserver = $; (@($DHCPHosts).where({ $ -eq $dhcpserver })).name }},* } else { Query-CSP -Method GET -Uri "dhcp/lease" | Select-Object -ExpandProperty results -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue | Select-Object @{Name = 'ha_group_name'; Expression = {$ha_group = $_.ha_group; (@($HAGroups).where({ $ -eq $ha_group })).name }},@{Name = 'dhcp_server'; Expression = {$dhcpserver = $; (@($DHCPHosts).where({ $ -eq $dhcpserver })).name }},* } } } |