function Remove-B1Record { <# .SYNOPSIS Removes an existing DNS record in BloxOneDDI .DESCRIPTION This function is used to remove an existing DNS record in BloxOneDDI .PARAMETER Type The type of the record to remove .PARAMETER Name The name of the record to remove .PARAMETER Zone The zone of the record to remove .PARAMETER rdata The RDATA of the record to remove .PARAMETER View The DNS View the record exists in .PARAMETER FQDN The FQDN of the record to remove .PARAMETER Strict Use strict filter matching. By default, filters are searched using wildcards where possible. Using strict matching will only return results matching exactly what is entered in the applicable parameters. .PARAMETER id The id of the record. Accepts pipeline input .Example Remove-B1Record -Type A -Name "myArecord" -Zone "" -View "default" .FUNCTIONALITY BloxOneDDI .FUNCTIONALITY DNS #> param( [Parameter(ParameterSetName="noID",Mandatory=$true)] [Parameter(ParameterSetName="noID-FQDN",Mandatory=$true)] [ValidateSet("A","AAAA","CAA","CNAME","HTTPS","MX","NAPTR","NS","PTR","SRV","SVCB","TXT")] [String]$Type, [Parameter(ParameterSetName="noID",Mandatory=$true)] [String]$Name, [Parameter(ParameterSetName="noID",Mandatory=$true)] [String]$Zone, [Parameter(ParameterSetName="noID",Mandatory=$true)] [Parameter(ParameterSetName="noID-FQDN",Mandatory=$true)] [String]$View, [Parameter(ParameterSetName="noID",Mandatory=$true)] [Parameter(ParameterSetName="noID-FQDN",Mandatory=$true)] [String]$rdata, [Parameter(ParameterSetName="noID-FQDN",Mandatory=$true)] [String]$FQDN, [Parameter( ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, ParameterSetName="ID", Mandatory=$true )] [String]$id ) process { if ($id) { $Record = Get-B1Record -id $id } else { if (!(($Name -and $Zone) -or $FQDN)) { Write-Host "Error. You must specify either -Name & -Zone or -FQDN" -ForegroundColor Red break } $Record = Get-B1Record -Type $Type -Name $Name -Zone $Zone -View $View -rdata $rdata -FQDN $FQDN -Strict if (($Record | measure).Count -gt 1) { Write-Host "More than one record returned. These will not be removed. Please pipe Get-B1Record into Remove-B1Record instead for changes to more than one record." -ForegroundColor Red $Record | Format-Table -AutoSize break } } if ($Record) { Write-Host "Removing record: $($Record.absolute_name_spec)" -ForegroundColor Yellow $Result = Query-CSP -Method "DELETE" -Uri $ if ($id) { $RC = Get-B1Record -id $id } else { $RC = Get-B1Record -Type $Type -Name $Name -Zone $Zone -View $View -rdata $rdata -FQDN $FQDN -Strict } if ($RC) { Write-Host "Failed to remove DNS record: $($RC.absolute_name_spec)" -ForegroundColor Red } else { Write-Host "Successfully removed DNS record: $($Record.absolute_name_spec)" -ForegroundColor Green } } else { Write-Host "DNS record does not exist: $id$FQDN$Name.$Zone" -ForegroundColor Gray } } } |