
function Get-B1Export {
        Retrieves a BloxOneDDI Export/Backup

        This function is used to retrieve a BloxOneDDI Export/Backup

    .PARAMETER data_ref
        The data_ref provided by the Get-B1BulkOperation function. The job will appear here once started with Start-B1Export

    .PARAMETER filePath
        The local file path where the export should be downloaded to

        Get-B1Export -data_ref (Get-B1BulkOperation -Name "Backup of all CSP data").data_ref -filePath "C:\Backups"

        Get-B1Export -Name "Backup" -Description "Backup of all CSP data" -BackupAll -data_ref $data_ref

        $ExportName = "B1-Export-$((Get-Date).ToString('dd-MM-yy hh-mm-ss'))"

        Start-B1Export -Name $ExportName -BackupAll
        while (($BulkOp = Get-B1BulkOperation -Name $ExportName -Strict).overall_status -ne "Completed") {
            Write-Host "Waiting for export to complete.."
            Wait-Event -Timeout 5
        $BulkOp | Get-B1Export -filePath "/tmp/$($ExportName)"

            ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true,
    $B1Export = Query-CSP -Method "GET" -Uri "$(Get-B1CSPUrl)/bulk/v1/storage?data_ref=$data_ref&direction=download"
    if ($B1Export.result.url) {
        $JSON = Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $B1Export.result.url
        $ | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 15 | Out-File $filePath -Force -Encoding utf8