
function Remove-B1DNSView {
        Removes a DNS View from BloxOneDDI

        This function is used to remove a DNS View from BloxOneDDI

        The name of the DNS View to remove

        The id of the DNS View. Accepts pipeline input

        Remove-B1DNSView -Name "My DNS View"

        Get-B1DNSView -Name "My DNS View" | Remove-B1DNSView


        ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true,

    process {

      if ($id) {
        $ViewInfo = Get-B1DNSView -id $id
      } else {
        $ViewInfo = Get-B1DNSView -Name $Name -Strict

      if (($ViewInfo | Measure-Object).Count -gt 1) {
        Write-Host "More than one DNS Views returned. These will not be removed. Please pipe Get-B1DNSView into Remove-B1DNSView to remove multiple objects." -ForegroundColor Red
        $ViewInfo | Format-Table -AutoSize
      } elseif (($ViewInfo | Measure-Object).Count -eq 1) {
        Write-Host "Removing DNS View: $($ViewInfo.Name).." -ForegroundColor Yellow
        Query-CSP -Method "DELETE" -Uri $($ -Data $null | Out-Null
        $SI = Get-B1DNSView -id $($ 6> $null
        if ($SI) {
          Write-Host "Failed to remove DNS View: $($SI.Name)" -ForegroundColor Red
        } else {
          Write-Host "Successfully removed DNS View: $($ViewInfo.Name)" -ForegroundColor Green
      } else {
        Write-Host "DNS View does not exist." -ForegroundColor Gray