function Set-B1Subnet { <# .SYNOPSIS Updates an existing subnet in BloxOneDDI IPAM .DESCRIPTION This function is used to update an existing subnet in BloxOneDDI IPAM .PARAMETER Subnet The network address of the subnet you want to update .PARAMETER CIDR The CIDR suffix of the subnet you want to update .PARAMETER Space The IPAM space where the subnet is located .PARAMETER Name The name to update the subnet to .PARAMETER Description The description to update the subnet to. .PARAMETER HAGroup The name of the HA group to apply to this subnet .PARAMETER DHCPOptions A list of DHCP Options you want to apply to the existing subnet. This will overwrite existing DHCP options for this subnet. Example usage when combined with Get-B1DHCPOptionCode $DHCPOptions = @() $DHCPOptions += @{"type"="option";"option_code"=(Get-B1DHCPOptionCode -Name "routers").id;"option_value"="";} .PARAMETER DDNSDomain The DDNS Domain to update the subnet to .PARAMETER DHCPLeaseSeconds The default DHCP Lease duration in seconds .PARAMETER Tags Any tags you want to apply to the subnet .PARAMETER id The id of the subnet to update. Accepts pipeline input .Example Set-B1Subnet -Subnet "" -CIDR 24 -Name "MySubnet" -Space "Global" -Description "Comment for description" -DHCPOptions $DHCPOptions .FUNCTIONALITY BloxOneDDI .FUNCTIONALITY IPAM #> param( [Parameter( ParameterSetName="noID", Mandatory=$true )] [String]$Subnet, [Parameter( ParameterSetName="noID", Mandatory=$true )] [ValidateRange(0,32)] [Int]$CIDR, [Parameter( ParameterSetName="noID", Mandatory=$true )] [String]$Space, [String]$Name, [String]$HAGroup, [System.Object]$DHCPOptions, [String]$Description, [String]$DHCPLeaseSeconds, [String]$DDNSDomain, [System.Object]$Tags, [Parameter( ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, ParameterSetName="ID" )] [string[]]$id ) process { if ($id) { $BloxSubnet = Get-B1Subnet -id $id -IncludeInheritance } else { $BloxSubnet = Get-B1Subnet -Subnet $Subnet -CIDR $CIDR -Space $Space -IncludeInheritance } if ($BloxSubnet) { $BloxSubnetUri = $ $BloxSubnetPatch = @{} if ($Name) {$ = $Name} if ($Description) {$BloxSubnetPatch.comment = $Description} if ($DHCPOptions) {$BloxSubnetPatch.dhcp_options = $DHCPOptions} if ($HAGroup) {$BloxSubnetPatch.dhcp_host = (Get-B1HAGroup -Name $HAGroup -Strict).id} if ($DHCPLeaseSeconds) { $BloxSubnet.inheritance_sources.dhcp_config.lease_time.action = "override" $BloxSubnet.dhcp_config.lease_time = $DHCPLeaseSeconds $BloxSubnetPatch.inheritance_sources = $BloxSubnet.inheritance_sources $BloxSubnetPatch.dhcp_config += $BloxSubnet.dhcp_config | Select-Object * -ExcludeProperty abandoned_reclaim_time,abandoned_reclaim_time_v6 } if ($DDNSDomain) { $BloxSubnetPatch."ddns_domain" = $DDNSDomain $DDNSupdateBlock = @{ ddns_update_block = @{ "action" = "override" "value" = @{} } } $BloxSubnetPatch.inheritance_sources = $DDNSupdateBlock } if ($Tags) { $BloxSubnetPatch.tags = $Tags } if ($BloxSubnetPatch.Count -eq 0) { Write-Host "Nothing to update." -ForegroundColor Gray } else { $splat = $BloxSubnetPatch | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 10 if ($Debug) {$splat} $Result = Query-CSP -Method PATCH -Uri "$BloxSubnetUri" -Data $splat $Result = $Result | Select-Object -ExpandProperty result if ($ -eq $BloxSubnetUri) { Write-Host "Updated Subnet $($Result.address)/$($result.CIDR) successfully." -ForegroundColor Green } else { Write-Host "Failed to update Subnet $Subnet/$CIDR - $BloxSubnetUri." -ForegroundColor Red break } } } else { Write-Host "The Subnet $Subnet/$CIDR - $BloxSubnetUri does not exist." -ForegroundColor Red } } } |