function Get-B1BootstrapConfig { <# .SYNOPSIS Retrieves the bootstrap configuration for a BloxOneDDI Host .DESCRIPTION This function is used to retrieve the bootstrap configuration for a BloxOneDDI Host .PARAMETER OnPremHost The name of the BloxOneDDI host to check the NTP configuration for .PARAMETER Strict Use strict filter matching. By default, filters are searched using wildcards where possible. Using strict matching will only return results matching exactly what is entered in the applicable parameters. .Example Get-B1BootstrapConfig -OnPremHost "" .FUNCTIONALITY BloxOneDDI .FUNCTIONALITY Host #> param( [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [String]$OnPremHost, [Switch]$Strict = $false ) $ophids = (Get-B1Host -Name $OnPremHost -Strict:$Strict).ophid $Results = @() foreach ($ophid in $ophids) { $Results += Query-CSP -Method "GET" -Uri "$(Get-B1CSPUrl)/api/atlas-bootstrap-app/v1/host/$ophid" } return $Results } |