<# .SYNOPSIS BloxOne REST API for PowerShell .DESCRIPTION A collection of PowerShell Cmdlets to interact with the InfoBlox BloxOne DDI REST API located at Also supports some limited Cmdlets for InfoBlox NIOS (Grid). .NOTES Work in progress, some cmdlets are limited in their nature. .AUTHOR Mat Cox .VERSION v1.9 .CHANGELOG v0.1 - 17/05/2022 - Initial commit v0.2 - 18/05/2022 - Addition of a number of new Cmdlets, still developing.. v0.3 - 26/05/2022 - Bug fixes, addition of Set-B1Subnet & Set-B1AddressBlock v0.4 - 30/05/2022 - Added hard dependency to check API key for BloxOne is stored. v0.5 - 06/07/2022 - Various changes, cleanup, update cmdlet docs, etc. v0.6 - 26/07/2022 - Finally a new release.. lots of changes :) v0.7 - 24/10/2022 - I guess it's that time again v0.8 - 20/04/2023 - Definitely in need of a new version no. v0.9 - 25/08/2023 - Complete re-write/re-structure, add contextual help info (Get-Help) for all cmdlets & basic prep for implementing pipeline input v1.9 - 25/08/2023 - Align version numbers with module #> ## Enable Debug Logging (Mainly @splat outputs) $Debug = $false ## Import Functions $MiscellaneousFunctions = Get-ChildItem "$PSScriptRoot\Functions\Misc\*.ps1" $B1PublicFunctions = Get-ChildItem "$PSScriptRoot\Functions\BloxOneDDI\*.ps1" $B1PrivateFunctions = Get-ChildItem "$PSScriptRoot\Functions\BloxOneDDI\Private\*.ps1" $NIOSPublicFunctions = Get-ChildItem "$PSScriptRoot\Functions\NIOS\*.ps1" $NIOSPrivateFunctions = Get-ChildItem "$PSScriptRoot\Functions\NIOS\Private\*.ps1" $AdditionalFunctionsToImport = "Get-ibPSVersion","Query-NIOS" foreach($FunctionToImport in @($B1PublicFunctions + $B1PrivateFunctions + $NIOSPublicFunctions + $NIOSPrivateFunctions + $MiscellaneousFunctions)) { try { . $FunctionToImport.fullname } catch { Write-Error "Failed to import function $($FunctionToImport.fullname)" } } Export-ModuleMember -Function ($(@($B1PublicFunctions + $NIOSPublicFunctions) | Select-Object -ExpandProperty BaseName) + $AdditionalFunctionsToImport) -Alias * |