function Detect-OS { if ($PSVersionTable.PSVersion.ToString() -gt 6) { if ($IsWindows) { return "Windows" } elseif ($IsMacOS) { return "Mac" } } else { $Platform = [System.Environment]::OSVersion.Platform if ($Platform -like "Win*") { return "Windows" } elseif ($Platform -like "Unix*") { return "Unix" } } } function Combine-Filters { param( [parameter(Mandatory=$true)] $Filters ) $combinedFilter = $null $FilterCount = $Filters.Count switch ($Filters.GetType().FullName) { "System.Collections.ArrayList" { foreach ($filter in $Filters) { if ($FilterCount -le 1) { $combinedFilter += $Filter } else { $combinedFilter += $Filter+" and " } $FilterCount = $FilterCount - 1 } } "System.Object[]" { foreach ($filter in $Filters) { if ($FilterCount -le 1) { $combinedFilter += "$($Filter.Property)$($Filter.Operator)`"$($Filter.Value)`"" } else { $combinedFilter += "$($Filter.Property)$($Filter.Operator)`"$($Filter.Value)`" and " } $FilterCount = $FilterCount - 1 } } "System.String" { return $Filters } default { Write-Error "Unsupported Filter input" } } return $combinedFilter } function ConvertTo-QueryString { param( [parameter(mandatory=$true)] [System.Collections.ArrayList]$Filters ) $combinedFilter = $null $FilterCount = $Filters.Count foreach ($filter in $Filters) { if ($FilterCount -le 1) { $combinedFilter += $Filter } else { $combinedFilter += $Filter+"&" } $FilterCount = $FilterCount - 1 } $combinedFilter = "?$combinedFilter" return $combinedFilter } function Match-Type { param( [parameter(mandatory=$true)] [bool]$Strict ) if ($Strict) { $MatchType = "==" } else { $MatchType = "~" } return $MatchType } function Convert-CIDRToNetmask { param( [parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [ValidateRange(0,32)] [Int] $MaskBits ) $mask = ([Math]::Pow(2, $MaskBits) - 1) * [Math]::Pow(2, (32 - $MaskBits)) $bytes = [BitConverter]::GetBytes([UInt32] $mask) (($bytes.Count - 1)..0 | ForEach-Object { [String] $bytes[$_] }) -join "." } function Test-NetmaskString { param( [parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [String] $MaskString ) $validBytes = '0|128|192|224|240|248|252|254|255' $maskPattern = ('^((({0})\.0\.0\.0)|' -f $validBytes) + ('(255\.({0})\.0\.0)|' -f $validBytes) + ('(255\.255\.({0})\.0)|' -f $validBytes) + ('(255\.255\.255\.({0})))$' -f $validBytes) $MaskString -match $maskPattern } function Convert-NetmaskToCIDR { param( [parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [ValidateScript({Test-NetmaskString $_})] [String] $MaskString ) $mask = ([IPAddress] $MaskString).Address for ( $bitCount = 0; $mask -ne 0; $bitCount++ ) { $mask = $mask -band ($mask - 1) } $bitCount } $CompositeStateSpaces = @( @{ "Application" = "DFP" "FriendlyName" = "DNS Forwarding Proxy" "AppType" = "1" "Composite" = "9" "Service_Type" = "dfp" }, @{ "Application" = "DNS" "FriendlyName" = "DNS" "AppType" = "2" "Composite" = "12" "Service_Type" = "dns" }, @{ "Application" = "DHCP" "FriendlyName" = "DHCP" "AppType" = "3" "Composite" = "15" "Service_Type" = "dhcp" }, @{ "Application" = "CDC" "FriendlyName" = "Data Connector" "AppType" = "7" "Composite" = "24" "Service_Type" = "cdc" }, @{ "Application" = "AnyCast" "FriendlyName" = "AnyCast" "AppType" = "9" "Composite" = "30" "Service_Type" = "anycast" }, @{ "Application" = "NGC" "FriendlyName" = "NIOS Grid Connector" "AppType" = "10" "Composite" = "34" "Service_Type" = "orpheus" }, @{ "Application" = "MSADC" "FriendlyName" = "MS AD Collector" "AppType" = "12" "Composite" = "40" "Service_Type" = "msad" }, @{ "Application" = "AAUTH" "FriendlyName" = "Access Authentication" "AppType" = "13" "Composite" = "43" "Service_Type" = "authn" }, @{ "Application" = "NTP" "FriendlyName" = "NTP" "AppType" = "20" "Composite" = "64" "Service_Type" = "ntp" } ) | ConvertTo-Json | ConvertFrom-Json function Get-NetworkInfo { <# .LINK #> param ( [parameter(ValueFromPipeline)] [string] $IP, [ValidateRange(0, 32)] [Alias('CIDR')] [int] $MaskBits, [switch] $Force ) process { if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('MaskBits')) { $Mask = $MaskBits } if (-not $IP) { $LocalIP = (Get-NetIPAddress | Where-Object { $_.AddressFamily -eq 'IPv4' -and $_.PrefixOrigin -ne 'WellKnown' }) $IP = $LocalIP.IPAddress If ($Mask -notin 0..32) { $Mask = $LocalIP.PrefixLength } } if ($IP -match '/\d') { $IPandMask = $IP -Split '/' $IP = $IPandMask[0] $Mask = $IPandMask[1] } $Class = Get-NetworkClass -IP $IP if ($Mask -notin 0..32) { $Mask = switch ($Class) { 'A' { 8 } 'B' { 16 } 'C' { 24 } default { throw "Subnet mask size was not specified and could not be inferred because the address is Class $Class." } } Write-Warning "Subnet mask size was not specified. Using default subnet size for a Class $Class network of /$Mask." } $IPAddr = [ipaddress]::Parse($IP) $MaskAddr = [ipaddress]::Parse((Convert-Int64toIP -int ([convert]::ToInt64(("1" * $Mask + "0" * (32 - $Mask)), 2)))) $NetworkAddr = [ipaddress]($MaskAddr.address -band $IPAddr.address) $BroadcastAddr = [ipaddress](([ipaddress]::parse("").address -bxor $MaskAddr.address -bor $NetworkAddr.address)) $HostStartAddr = (Convert-IPtoInt64 -ip $NetworkAddr.ipaddresstostring) + 1 $HostEndAddr = (Convert-IPtoInt64 -ip $broadcastaddr.ipaddresstostring) - 1 $HostAddressCount = ($HostEndAddr - $HostStartAddr) + 1 if ($Mask -ge 16 -or $Force) { Write-Progress "Calculating host addresses for $NetworkAddr/$Mask.." $HostAddresses = for ($i = $HostStartAddr; $i -le $HostEndAddr; $i++) { Convert-Int64toIP -int $i } Write-Progress -Completed -Activity "Clear Progress Bar" } else { Write-Warning "Host address enumeration was not performed because it would take some time for a /$Mask subnet. `nUse -Force if you want it to occur." } [pscustomobject]@{ IPAddress = $IPAddr MaskBits = $Mask NetworkAddress = $NetworkAddr BroadcastAddress = $broadcastaddr SubnetMask = $MaskAddr NetworkClass = $Class Range = "$networkaddr ~ $broadcastaddr" HostAddresses = $HostAddresses HostAddressCount = $HostAddressCount } } } function Convert-Int64toIP ([int64]$int) { <# .LINK #> (([math]::truncate($int / 16777216)).tostring() + "." + ([math]::truncate(($int % 16777216) / 65536)).tostring() + "." + ([math]::truncate(($int % 65536) / 256)).tostring() + "." + ([math]::truncate($int % 256)).tostring() ) } function Convert-IPtoInt64 ($ip) { <# .LINK #> $octets = $ip.split(".") [int64]([int64]$octets[0] * 16777216 + [int64]$octets[1] * 65536 + [int64]$octets[2] * 256 + [int64]$octets[3]) } function Get-NetworkClass { <# .LINK #> param( [parameter(Mandatory,ValueFromPipeline)] [string] $IP ) process { switch ($IP.Split('.')[0]) { { $_ -in 0..127 } { 'A' } { $_ -in 128..191 } { 'B' } { $_ -in 192..223 } { 'C' } { $_ -in 224..239 } { 'D' } { $_ -in 240..255 } { 'E' } } } } |