iSCSIVirtualDisk # Description This resource is used to create or remove Virtual Disks for use by iSCSI Targets. .PARAMETER Path Key - String Specifies the path of the VHDX file that is associated with the iSCSI virtual disk. .PARAMETER Ensure Write - String Allowed values: Present, Absent Ensures that Virtual Disk is either Absent or Present. .PARAMETER DiskType Write - String Allowed values: Dynamic, Fixed, Differencing Specifies the type of the VHDX. .PARAMETER SizeBytes Write - Uint64 Specifies the size, in bytes, of the iSCSI virtual disk. .PARAMETER BlockSizeBytes Write - Uint32 Specifies the block size, in bytes, for the VHDX. .PARAMETER LogicalSectorSizeBytes Write - UInt32 Allowed values: 512, 4096 Specifies the logical sector size, in bytes, for the VHDX. .PARAMETER PhysicalSectorSizeBytes Write - UInt32 Allowed values: 512, 4096 Specifies the physical sector size, in bytes, for the VHDX. .PARAMETER Description Write - String Specifies the description for the iSCSI virtual disk. .PARAMETER ParentPath Write - String Specifies the parent virtual disk path if the VHDX is a differencing disk. .EXAMPLE This example installs the iSCSI Target Server, creates two iSCSI Virtal Disks and then a new iSCSI Target called Cluster with the two Virtual Disks assigned. The iSCSI target will accept connections from cluster01.contoso.com, cluster02.contoso.com or cluster03.contoso.com. Configuration Example { param ( [Parameter()] [System.String[]] $NodeName = 'localhost' ) Import-DscResource -Module iSCSIDsc Node $NodeName { WindowsFeature iSCSITargetServerInstall { Ensure = "Present" Name = "FS-iSCSITarget-Server" } iSCSIVirtualDisk iSCSIClusterVDisk01 { Ensure = 'Present' Path = 'D:\iSCSIVirtualDisks\ClusterVdisk01.vhdx' DiskType = 'Dynamic' SizeBytes = 20GB Description = 'Cluster Virtual Disk 01' DependsOn = "[WindowsFeature]ISCSITargetServerInstall" } # End of iSCSIVirtualDisk Resource iSCSIVirtualDisk iSCSIClusterVDisk02 { Ensure = 'Present' Path = 'D:\iSCSIVirtualDisks\ClusterVdisk02.vhdx' DiskType = 'Dynamic' SizeBytes = 10GB Description = 'Cluster Virtual Disk 02' DependsOn = "[WindowsFeature]ISCSITargetServerInstall" } # End of iSCSIVirtualDisk Resource iSCSIServerTarget iSCSIClusterTarget { Ensure = 'Present' TargetName = 'Cluster' InitiatorIds = 'iqn.1991-05.com.microsoft:cluster01.contoso.com','iqn.1991-05.com.microsoft:cluster02.contoso.com','iqn.1991-05.com.microsoft:cluster03.contoso.com' Paths = 'D:\iSCSIVirtualDisks\ClusterVdisk01.vhdx','D:\iSCSIVirtualDisks\ClusterVdisk02.vhdx' iSNSServer = 'isns.contoso.com' DependsOn = "[iSCSIVirtualDisk]iSCSIClusterVDisk01","[iSCSIVirtualDisk]iSCSIClusterVDisk01" } # End of iSCSIServerTarget Resource } # End of Node } # End of Configuration |