#Requires -PSEdition Core -Version 7.2 <# .SYNOPSIS GitHub Actions - Internal - New Random Token .DESCRIPTION Generate a new random token. .PARAMETER Length Length of the random token. .PARAMETER NoLowerCase Whether to disallow lower case. .PARAMETER NoNumber Whether to disallow number. .PARAMETER NoUpperCase Whether to disallow upper case. .OUTPUTS [String] A new random token. #> Function New-RandomToken { [CmdletBinding()] [OutputType([String])] Param ( [Parameter(Position = 0)][ValidateRange(1, [Int32]::MaxValue)][Int32]$Length = 32, [Switch]$NoLowerCase, [Switch]$NoNumber, [Switch]$NoUpperCase ) [Char[]]$PoolRaw = @() If (!$NoLowerCase.IsPresent) { $PoolRaw += [Char[]]@(97..122) } If (!$NoNumber.IsPresent) { $PoolRaw += [String[]]@(0..9) } If (!$NoUpperCase.IsPresent) { $PoolRaw += [Char[]]@(65..90) } [Char[]]$PoolCurrent = $PoolRaw | Get-Random -Shuffle @(1..$Length) | ForEach-Object -Process { $PoolCurrent | Get-Random -Count 1 } | Join-String -Separator '' | Write-Output } Export-ModuleMember -Function @( 'New-RandomToken' ) |