#Requires -PSEdition Core #Requires -Version 7.2 [Boolean]$EnvironmentResult = $False [Boolean]$EnvironmentTested = $False [SemVer]$NodeJsMinimumVersion = [SemVer]::Parse('14.15.0') [RegEx]$SemVerRegEx = '^v?\d+\.\d+\.\d+$' <# .SYNOPSIS GitHub Actions - Test NodeJS Environment .DESCRIPTION Test the current machine whether has compatible NodeJS environment; Test result always cache for reuse. .PARAMETER Retest Whether to redo this test by ignore the cached test result. .OUTPUTS [Boolean] Test result. #> Function Test-NodeJsEnvironment { [CmdletBinding(HelpUri = '')] [OutputType([Boolean])] Param ( [Alias('Redo')][Switch]$Retest, [Alias('Reinstall', 'ReinstallDependency', 'ReinstallPackage', 'ReinstallPackages')][Switch]$ReinstallDependencies# Deprecated, keep as legacy. ) If ($EnvironmentTested -and !$Retest.IsPresent) { Write-Verbose -Message 'Previously tested NodeJS environment; Return previous result.' Write-Output -InputObject $EnvironmentResult Return } $Script:EnvironmentResult = $False $Script:EnvironmentTested = $False Try { $Null = Get-Command -Name 'node' -CommandType 'Application' -ErrorAction 'Stop'# `Get-Command` will throw error when nothing is found. [String]$ExpressionNodeJsVersionResult = node --no-deprecation --no-warnings --version | Join-String -Separator "`n" If ( $ExpressionNodeJsVersionResult -inotmatch $SemVerRegEx -or $NodeJsMinimumVersion -igt [SemVer]::Parse(($ExpressionNodeJsVersionResult -ireplace '^v', '')) ) { Throw } } Catch { $Script:EnvironmentResult = $False $Script:EnvironmentTested = $True Write-Output -InputObject $EnvironmentResult Return } $Script:EnvironmentResult = $True $Script:EnvironmentTested = $True Write-Output -InputObject $EnvironmentResult } Export-ModuleMember -Function @( 'Test-NodeJsEnvironment' ) |