Set-StrictMode -Version Latest BeforeAll { . "$PSScriptRoot\Get-OrgsByPage.ps1" . "$PSScriptRoot\..\Utility\Invoke-GetRequest.ps1" } Describe "Get-OrgsByPage" { BeforeAll { [Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute('PSUseDeclaredVarsMoreThanAssignment', '', Justification='pester supported')] $rootPath = "/authorize/scim/v2/Organizations" } Context "api" { BeforeEach { Mock Invoke-GetRequest } AfterEach { Should -Invoke Invoke-GetRequest -ParameterFilter { $Path -eq "$($rootPath)?$($expectedPath)" -and ` $Version -eq 2 -and ` (Compare-Object $ValidStatusCodes @(200)) -eq $null } } It "checks paths are correct for parameter combinations" -TestCases @( @{Path = "startIndex=1&count=100"; Action = { Get-OrgsByPage } }, @{Path = "myOrganizationOnly=true&startIndex=1&count=100"; Action = { Get-OrgsByPage -MyOrgOnly } } @{Path = "filter=(name eq `"foo`")&startIndex=1&count=100"; Action = { Get-OrgsByPage -Name "foo" } } @{Path = "filter=(active eq `"false`")&startIndex=1&count=100"; Action = { Get-OrgsByPage -Inactive } } @{Path = "filter=(parent.value eq `"1`")&startIndex=1&count=100"; Action = { Get-OrgsByPage -ParentOrg ([PSCustomObject]@{id = "1" }) } } @{Path = "startIndex=2&count=3"; Action = { Get-OrgsByPage -Index 2 -Size 3 } } @{Path = "myOrganizationOnly=true&filter=(active eq `"false`")&startIndex=1&count=100"; Action = { Get-OrgsByPage -MyOrgOnly -Inactive } } @{Path = "filter=(active eq `"false`") and (parent.value eq `"1`") and (name eq `"foo`")&startIndex=1&count=100"; Action = { Get-OrgsByPage -Inactive -ParentOrg ([PSCustomObject]@{id = "1" }) -Name "foo" } } @{Path = "myOrganizationOnly=true&filter=(active eq `"false`") and (parent.value eq `"1`") and (name eq `"foo`")&startIndex=1&count=100"; Action = { Get-OrgsByPage -MyOrgOnly -Inactive -ParentOrg ([PSCustomObject]@{id = "1" }) -Name "foo" } } ) { [Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute('PSUseDeclaredVarsMoreThanAssignment', '', Justification='pester supported')] $expectedPath = $Path &$Action } } } |