Set-StrictMode -Version Latest BeforeAll { . "$PSScriptRoot\Get-Propositions.ps1" . "$PSScriptRoot\Get-PropositionsByPage.ps1" } Describe "Get-Propositions" { BeforeAll { $response = @{ total=0; entry=@()} Mock Get-PropositionsByPage { $response } } Context "calls" { It "with params" { Get-Propositions -Id "1" Should -Invoke Get-PropositionsByPage -ParameterFilter { $Id -eq "1" } } } Context "param" { It "accepts value from pipeline" { "1" | Get-Propositions Should -Invoke Get-PropositionsByPage } It "supports positional" { Get-Propositions "id" "name" @{Id="1"} "refid" Should -Invoke Get-PropositionsByPage } It "ensure -Id null or empty" { { Get-PropositionsByPage -Id $null } | Should -Throw "*'Id'. The argument is null or empty*" { Get-PropositionsByPage -Id "" } | Should -Throw "*'Id'. The argument is null or empty*" } It "ensure -Name null or empty" { { Get-PropositionsByPage -Name $null } | Should -Throw "*'Name'. The argument is null or empty*" { Get-PropositionsByPage -Name "" } | Should -Throw "*'Name'. The argument is null or empty*" } It "ensure -Organization null" { { Get-PropositionsByPage -Organization $null } | Should -Throw "*'Organization'. The argument is null or empty*" } It "ensure -GlobalReferenceId null or empty" { { Get-PropositionsByPage -GlobalReferenceId $null } | Should -Throw "*'GlobalReferenceId'. The argument is null or empty*" { Get-PropositionsByPage -GlobalReferenceId "" } | Should -Throw "*'GlobalReferenceId'. The argument is null or empty*" } } } |