Set-StrictMode -Version Latest BeforeAll { . "$PSScriptRoot\Remove-GroupIdentity.ps1" . "$PSScriptRoot\..\Utility\Invoke-ApiRequest.ps1" } Describe "Remove-GroupIdentity" { BeforeAll { $group = ([PSCustomObject]@{ id = "1" meta = @{ version = @("3") } }) [Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute('PSUseDeclaredVarsMoreThanAssignment', '', Justification='pester supported')] $expectedPath = "/authorize/identity/Group/$($`$remove" $MemberType = "SERVICE" $Ids = @("2") [Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute('PSUseDeclaredVarsMoreThanAssignment', '', Justification='pester supported')] $body = @{ "memberType" = $MemberType; "value" = $Ids; } $response = @{ meta = @{ version = "4" } } Mock Invoke-ApiRequest { $response } } Context "api" { It "invokes request" { Remove-GroupIdentity -Group $group -Ids @("2") -MemberType "SERVICE" Should -Invoke Invoke-ApiRequest -ParameterFilter { ($Path -eq $expectedPath) -and ` ($Method -eq "Post") -and ` ($Version -eq "1") -and ` ((Compare-Object $ValidStatusCodes @(200)) -eq $null) -and ` ((Compare-Object $AdditionalHeaders @{"If-Match"="3"}) -eq $null) } $group.meta.version | Should -Be "4" } It "updates meta version from response" { Remove-GroupIdentity -Group $group -Ids @("2") -MemberType "SERVICE" $group.meta.version | Should -Be "4" } } Context "param" { It "accepts value from pipeline" { $group | Remove-GroupIdentity -Ids @("2") -MemberType "SERVICE" Should -Invoke Invoke-ApiRequest } It "ensures -Group not null" { {Remove-GroupIdentity -Group $null -Ids @("2") -MemberType "SERVICE" } | Should -Throw "Cannot validate argument on parameter 'Group'. The argument is null or empty. Provide an argument that is not null or empty, and then try the command again." } It "ensures -Ids not null" { {Remove-GroupIdentity -Group $group -Ids $null -MemberType "SERVICE" } | Should -Throw "Cannot validate argument on parameter 'Ids'. The argument is null or empty. Provide an argument that is not null or empty, and then try the command again." } It "ensures -MemberType is valid value" { { Remove-GroupIdentity -Group $group -Ids @("2") -MemberType "SERVICE" } | Should -Not -Throw { Remove-GroupIdentity -Group $group -Ids @("2") -MemberType "DEVICE" } | Should -Not -Throw { Remove-GroupIdentity -Group $group -Ids @("2") -MemberType "FOO" } | Should -Throw "Cannot validate argument on parameter 'MemberType'. The argument `"FOO`" does not belong to the set `"SERVICE,DEVICE`" specified by the ValidateSet attribute. Supply an argument that is in the set and then try the command again." } } } |