
    Retrieves Group(s) based on a set of parameters.

    Retrieves one or more Group resources found under a given parent Organization and matches given search parameters.
    A user with GROUP.READ will be allowed to retrieve groups from an organization. For query by memberId of an identity
    that is assigned across organizations (such as SERVICE), this API retrieves all groups assigned to the identity irrespective of organization.
        - Only users having administrator permissions on the parent Group can list the sub groups.
        - Search set shall contain child Groups found under the requested parent organization (non-recursive).
        - Any unknown parameters shall be ignored.

    Accepts the organization resource object

    An array of group resource objects

    The organization resource object

    An optional group name to use as filter

    .PARAMETER MemberType
    Filter by memeber type of either 'USER', 'DEVICE' or 'SERVICE'
    If this parameter is specified then the MemberId must be specified

    .PARAMETER MemberId
    Filter by members with this identifier
    If this parameter is specified then the MemberType must be specified

    $myorg = Get-Orgs | where { $_.Name -eq "MyOrg" }
    $myGroups = Get-Groups -Org $myOrg

    $myorg = Get-Orgs | where { $_.Name -eq "MyOrg" }
    $myNamedGroup = Get-Groups -Org $myOrg -Name "MyNamedGroup"

    $myorg = Get-Orgs | where { $_.Name -eq "MyOrg" }
    $myDeviceGroupForMember1 = Get-Groups -Org $myOrg -MemberType "DEVICE" -MemberId "1"


    GET: GET: /authorize/identity/Group v1
    The API does does not support searching for group names that contain a space or special characters
    Because this API does not use a consistient resource format, the resource is transofrmed to match the Get-Group cmdlet
    format as close a possible for the available fields. Form example, it does not contain the meta element as this
    is not available on the response.

function Get-Groups {

        [Parameter(Mandatory, Position = 0, ValueFromPipeline)]

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, Position = 1)]

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [ValidateSet('USER', 'DEVICE', 'SERVICE')]

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]

    begin {
        Write-Verbose "[$($MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name)] Function started"

    process {
        Write-Debug "[$($MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name)] PSBoundParameters: $($PSBoundParameters | Out-String)"

        $params = "organizationId=$($"
        if ($Name) {
            $params += "&name=$($Name)"
        if ($MemberType -and $MemberId) {
            $params += "&memberType=$($MemberType)&memberId=$($MemberId)"
        } elseif (($MemberType -and -not $MemberId) -or (-not $MemberType -and $MemberId)) {
            throw "If either MemberType or MemberId is supplied then both must be supplied"
        $response = (Invoke-GetRequest "/authorize/identity/Group?$($params)" -Version 1).entry | Select-Object -ExpandProperty resource
        # transform the result to match the resources in Get-Group
        Write-Output @($response | Select-Object @{Name="name";Expression={$_.groupName}}, `
            @{name="description";Expression={$_.groupDescription}}, `
            @{Name="managingOrganization";Expression={$_.orgId}}, `

    end {
        Write-Verbose "[$($MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name)] Complete"