Set-StrictMode -Version Latest BeforeAll { . "$PSScriptRoot\Get-Groups.ps1" . "$PSScriptRoot\..\Utility\Invoke-GetRequest.ps1" } Describe "Get-Groups" { BeforeAll { [Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute('PSUseDeclaredVarsMoreThanAssignment', '', Justification='pester supported')] $rootPath = "/authorize/identity/Group?" [Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute('PSUseDeclaredVarsMoreThanAssignment', '', Justification='pester supported')] $org = [PSCustomObject]@{ "Id" = "1" } $resource = @{ "resourceType"="Group"; "groupDescription"="HSDP Foundation Audit query access"; "groupName"= "AuditorsGroup"; "orgId"="e5550a19-b6d9-4a9b-ac3c-10ba817776d4"; "_id"="4770b86c-cc56-4487-8005-0b33f0899158"; } $response = @{"entry" = @(@{"resource"=$resource})} Mock Invoke-GetRequest { $response } } Context "api" { It "invokes request" { $result = Get-Groups -Org $org Should -Invoke Invoke-GetRequest -ParameterFilter { $Path -eq $Path -eq "$($rootPath)organizationId=$($" -and $Version -eq 1 } $expectedResult = [PSCustomObject]@{ name="AuditorsGroup"; description="HSDP Foundation Audit query access"; managingOrganization="e5550a19-b6d9-4a9b-ac3c-10ba817776d4"; id="4770b86c-cc56-4487-8005-0b33f0899158" } ($result, $expectedResult | Test-Equality) | Should -BeTrue } It "by name" { Get-Groups -Org $org -Name "foo" Should -Invoke Invoke-GetRequest -ParameterFilter { $Path -eq $Path -eq "$($rootPath)organizationId=$($" } } It "by memberType" { Get-Groups -Org $org -MemberType "DEVICE" -MemberId "foo" Should -Invoke Invoke-GetRequest -ParameterFilter { $Path -eq $Path -eq "$($rootPath)organizationId=$($" } } } Context "param" { It "supports positional" { Get-Groups $org "foo" Should -Invoke Invoke-GetRequest -ParameterFilter { $Path -eq $Path -eq "$($rootPath)organizationId=$($" } } It "accepts org from pipeline" { $org | Get-Groups Should -Invoke Invoke-GetRequest -ParameterFilter { $Path -eq $Path -eq "$($rootPath)organizationId=$($" } } It "ensures -Org not null" { { Get-Groups -Org $null } | Should -Throw "*'Org'. The argument is null or empty*" } It "ensures -MemberType is valid value" { { Get-Groups -Org $org -MemberType "USER" -MemberId "1" } | Should -Not -Throw { Get-Groups -Org $org -MemberType "DEVICE" -MemberId "1" } | Should -Not -Throw { Get-Groups -Org $org -MemberType "SERVICE" -MemberId "1" } | Should -Not -Throw { Get-Groups -Org $org -MemberType "FOO" -MemberId "1" } | Should -Throw "*'MemberType'. The argument `"FOO`" does not belong to the set `"USER,DEVICE,SERVICE`"*" } It "ensures -MemberType and -MemberId are specified together" { { Get-Groups -Org $org -MemberType "USER" } | Should -Throw "If either MemberType or MemberId is supplied then both must be supplied" { Get-Groups -Org $org -MemberId "1" } | Should -Throw "If either MemberType or MemberId is supplied then both must be supplied" } } } |