function Import-FunctionFromGist { <# .DESCRIPTION Import Gist raw content, wrap in function block, and invoke-expression to conver to a function .PARAMETER URL Required. URL for GitHub Gist to import as PowerShell function. .NOTES The Gist content must be a PowerShell script that can be contained as a function. The URL must be to the RAW view of the Gist, not the HTML wrapped view. The URL tail/leaf that indicates the filename is applied as the function name. .EXAMPLE $url = '' Import-FunctionFromGist -URL $url Defines function get-pcinfo using filename "get-pcinfo.ps1" from the end of the URL #> [CmdletBinding()] param ( [parameter(Mandatory)][ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()][string]$URL ) try { $scriptCode = $(New-Object System.Net.WebClient).DownloadString($URL) $funcname = $(Split-Path $URL -Leaf).Split(".")[0] $func = "Function Global`:$funcname { $scriptcode }" Write-Host "Importing function: $funcname" -ForegroundColor Cyan $(Invoke-Expression $func) } catch { Write-Error $_.Exception.Message } } |