
function Get-RoundedInteger {
        Round integer number to nearest BASE value (e.g. 10, 100, 1000)
        Note this is NOT a standard Round operation.
        A standard Round of 1055 to the nearest 100 would result in 1100
            [math]::Round(1055 / 100) * 100 = 1100
        This round uses the nearest base or floor
            Get-RoundedInteger 1055 100 = 1000
    .PARAMETER Integer
        Required. Integer value to apply rounding
    .PARAMETER Nearest
        Optional. Nearest precision to round [Integer] to. Default is 100
        Get-RoundedInteger -Integer 124 -Nearest 10
        Returns 120
        Get-RoundedInteger -Integer 1123 -Nearest 100
        Returns 1100

    param (
        [parameter()][int]$Nearest = 100
    [math]::Truncate($Integer / $Nearest) * $Nearest