
function Start-WaitTimer {
        Displays a progress bar while waiting for a specified amount of time.
        Displays a progress bar while waiting for a specified amount of time.
    .PARAMETER TotalTime
        The total amount of time to wait in seconds. Default is 300 seconds (5 minutes).
    .PARAMETER Increment
        The amount of time to wait between progress updates in seconds. Default is 5 seconds.
    .PARAMETER Message
        The message to display while waiting. Default is "Waiting".
    .PARAMETER NoProgress
        Suppresses the progress bar and displays a simple message instead. Useful when running in a non-interactive environment.
        This parameter is ignored on Linux.
        Displays a progress bar for 5 minutes with "Waiting..." as the message
        Start-WaitTimer -TotalTime 600 -Increment 10
        Displays a progress bar for 10 minutes.
        Start-WaitTimer -TotalTime 300 -Increment 5 -NoProgress
        Displays a simple message for 5 minutes.
        Start-WaitTimer -TotalTime 300 -Increment 5 -Message "Downloading"
        Displays a progress bar with a custom message for 5 minutes.

    param (
        [parameter()][int]$TotalTime = 300,
        [parameter()][int]$Increment = 5,
        [parameter()][string]$Message = "Waiting",
    for ($i = 0; $i -lt $totalTime; $i+= $increment) {
        if (-not $NoProgress.IsPresent -and (-not $IsLinux)) {
            Write-Progress -Activity "$($Message)" -Status "$( [math]::Round(($totalTime - $i)/60,2) ) minutes remaining..." -PercentComplete ($i/$totalTime*100)
        } else {
            Write-Host "$($Message): $([math]::Round(($totalTime - $i)/60,2)) minutes remaining... (press Ctrl+C to cancel)..."
        Start-Sleep -Seconds $increment