function ConvertTo-Excel { <# .SYNOPSIS Converts a CSV, JSON, or XML file to an Excel file. .DESCRIPTION Converts a CSV, JSON, or XML file to an Excel file. The output file will have the same name as the source file, but with an .xlsx extension. .PARAMETER FullName The full path to the source file. .PARAMETER WorksheetName The name of the worksheet to create in the Excel file. Default is "Sheet1". .EXAMPLE ConvertTo-Excel -FullName C:\temp\file.csv Converts the CSV file C:\temp\file.csv to an Excel file C:\temp\file.xlsx. .EXAMPLE Get-Item -Path "c:\temp\file.json" | ConvertTo-Excel Converts the JSON file C:\temp\file.json to an Excel file C:\temp\file.xlsx. .EXAMPLE ConvertTo-Excel -FullName C:\temp\file.xml -WorksheetName "Data" Converts the XML file C:\temp\file.xml to an Excel file C:\temp\file.xlsx with a worksheet named "Data". .NOTES Requires the ImportExcel module. .LINK #> [OutputType([string])] [CmdletBinding()] param ( [parameter(Mandatory=$true, ValueFromPipeline=$true, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName=$True)][string]$FullName, [parameter(Mandatory=$false)][string]$WorksheetName = "Sheet1" ) begin { #$FullName = Resolve-Path $FullName -ErrorAction Stop } process { $xlFile = $FullName.Replace(".csv", ".xlsx").Replace(".json", ".xlsx").Replace(".xml", ".xlsx") Write-Verbose "Excel filepath: $xlFile" if ($FullName -like "*.csv") { $srcData = Import-Csv -Path $FullName } elseif ($FullName -like "*.json") { $srcData = Get-Content -Path $FullName | ConvertFrom-Json } elseif ($FullName -like "*.xml") { $srcData = Get-Content -Path $FullName | ConvertTo-Xml } else { Write-Warning "Error: Unsupported file type." } if ($srcData) { $srcData | Export-Excel -Path $xlFile -WorksheetName $WorksheetName -ClearSheet Write-Output $xlFile } else { Write-Warning "Error: No data found in source file." } } } |