
Use GridView or ConsoleGridView to provide a selection menu

Use a GridView or ConsoleGridView to provide a selection menu interface for selecting either
single or multiple items. On Linux this will only invoke a ConsoleGridView. For Windows, it
will default to a GridView unless -ForceConsole is used.

.PARAMETER InputObject
An array of objects.

Title to display on the gridview heading (caption). If not provided will display "Select Item"
or "Select Items"

Optional. Single (Default) or Multiple.

.PARAMETER ForceConsole
Optional. On Windows machines, forces ConsoleGridView

Get-Process | Out-GridSelect

Get-Process | Out-GridSelect -Title "Select Processes" -OutputMode Multiple

The Microsoft.PowerShell.ConsoleGuiTools module is required on Linux, or when using -ForceConsole.
I had some challenges with getting this function to accept pipeline input, mostly because I'm too
stupid to figure it out and I need to cut down my coffee consumption. If you want to show me how to
make that work please submit a pull request and I'll gladly plaster your name all over it for credit.


function Out-GridSelect {
    param (
        [parameter(Mandatory=$True)] $InputObject,
        [parameter(Mandatory=$False)][string] $Title,
        [parameter(Mandatory=$False)][string][ValidateSet('Single','Multiple')] $OutputMode = 'Single',
        [parameter(Mandatory=$False)][switch] $ForceConsole
    if ([string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($Title)) {
        if ($OutputMode -eq 'Single') {
            $Title = "Select Item"
        } else {
            $Title = "Select Items"
    if ($IsLinux -eq $True) {
        if (Get-Module microsoft.powershell.consoleguitools -ListAvailable) {
            $InputObject | Out-ConsoleGridView -Title $Title -OutputMode $OutputMode
        } else {
            Write-Warning "Linux platforms require module: microsoft.powershell.consoleguitools"
    } else {
        if ($ForceConsole.IsPresent -and (Get-Module Microsoft.PowerShell.ConsoleGuiTools -ListAvailable)) {
            $InputObject | Out-ConsoleGridView -Title $Title -OutputMode $OutputMode
        } else {
            $InputObject | Out-GridView -Title $Title -OutputMode $OutputMode