
function Publish-AiCommit {
        Use PowerShellAI to handle your Git commits
        Invoke git stage, commit, push from a local repo path, where the commit
        message is produced by submitting a request from the git status through openAI
        Path to the local git repository
        Commit the changes and issue a push command

        Shows the staging message returned from the OpenAI request
        Publish-AiCommit -Send

        Shows the staging message from OpenAI for the repo in the current directory, and commits the changes, then issues a push command
        Publish-AiCommit -Path ".\repo42\" -Send

        Shows the staging message from OpenAI for the repo in the specified path, and commits the changes, then issues a push command
        Requires PowerShellAI module and having the OpenAI API key defined as environment variable "OpenAIKey"

    param (
        [parameter()][string]$Path = "",
    try {
        if (!(Get-Module PowerShellAIAssistant -ListAvailable)) {
            throw "Requires PowerShell module to be installed: PowerShellAIAssistant"
        if ([string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($env:OpenAIKey)) {
            throw "Environment variable OpenAIKey is not defined"
        if (!(Test-Path 'HKLM:\SOFTWARE\GitForWindows')) {
            throw "Missing required application: git"
        if (![string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($Path)) {
            if (Test-Path $Path) {
                $loc = (Get-Location).Path
                Write-Verbose "-- moving to path: $Path"
                Set-Location -Path $Path
            } else {
                throw "Any AI could tell you that path doesn't exist: $Path"
        Write-Verbose "-- requesting git status for repo"
        $status = git status
        if ($status -notlike "*Your branch is up to date*") {
            Write-Verbose "-- staging git repo changes"
            git stage --all
            Write-Verbose "-- requesting commit message from OpenAI prompt"
            $msg = git status | ai "write a commit message for the staged changes in this repo"
            if ($Send) {
                Write-Host "commit: $msg"
                git commit -m "$($msg)"
                Write-Verbose "-- issuing a git push"
                git push
            } else {
                Write-Host "proposed: $msg"
        } else {
            throw "Path does not contain a git repo configuration: $($pwd)"
    } catch {
        Write-Warning "Message: $($_.Exception.Message)"
    } finally {
        if ($loc) {
            Write-Verbose "-- returning to path: $loc"
            Set-Location $loc