
function Invoke-CustomizeWindows11 {
        View or Toggle Windows 11 Customization Settings
        View or Toggle Windows 11 Customization Settings using the PowerShell module CustomizeWindows11 by Jaap Brasser
    .PARAMETER Toggle
        Toggle the current value (if Enabled, set to Disabled)
        Note that if a setting is not yet defined in the Registry, it shows as ----

        Displays current settings
        Invoke-CustomizeWindows11 -Toggle

        Displays current settings in a GridView. When a setting is selected and the OK button
        is clicked,the setting is toggled to the opposite value.
        Requires module CustomizeWindows11 by Jaap Brasser, which also indicates this function
        has only been tested on Windows 11.

    try {
        if ($PSVersionTable.Platform -eq 'Unix') { throw "This command only works on Windows" }
        $unset = '----'
        if (!(Get-Module CustomizeWindows11 -ListAvailable)) {
            throw "Required Module not installed: CustomizeWindows"
        $results = @()
        $cmdlist = Get-Command -Module CustomizeWindows11 get* | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Name
        foreach ($cn in $cmdlist) {
            $label = $cn.Split("-")[1]
            try {
                $results += & $cn
            } catch {
                $results += [pscustomobject]@{Setting = $label; Enabled = $unset}
        if ($Toggle) {
            $choice = $results | Out-GridView -Title "Select Configuration Item to Toggle" -OutputMode Single
            if ($choice) {
                $cmdsuffix = $choice.Setting
                $cmdname = "Set-$($cmdsuffix)"
                switch ($choice.Enabled) {
                    $True {
                        Write-Host "enabled: $($choice.Enabled)"
                        Write-Host "Applying: $cmdname -Disable"
                        & $cmdname -Disable
                    Default {
                        Write-Host "enabled: $($choice.Enabled)"
                        Write-Host "Applying: $cmdname -Enable"
                        & $cmdname -Enable
        } else {
    } catch {
        Write-Error $_.Exception.Message