
function Get-ResourceHogs {
        Show Windows processes using the most resources
        Show Windows processes using the most resources by selected properties/metrics
    .PARAMETER Metric
        The process property to sort by. Default is CPU
        Limit the output to the first [Top] items, sorted in descending order (most to least)
    .PARAMETER ShowPath
        Include process Path property in output.
        Get-ResourceHog -Metric WorkingSet
        Get-ResourceHog -Metric HandleCount -Top 5 ShowPath

    param (
            $Metric = 'CPU',
        [parameter()][int][ValidateRange(0,100)]$Top = 10,
    try {
        if ($PSVersionTable.Platform -eq 'Unix') { throw "This command only works on Windows" }
        $outprops = @('ProcessName','Id',$Metric)
        if ($ShowPath) { $outprops += 'Path' }
        $outparams = @{ First = $Top; Property = $outprops }
        Get-Process | Group-Object ProcessName |
            ForEach-Object { $_.Group | Sort-Object $Metric -Descending | Select-Object -First 1 } |
                Sort-Object $Metric -Descending | Select-Object @outparams
    } catch {
        Write-Error $_.Exception.Message