#Requires -Version 4.0 function ConvertTo-HashString { <# .SYNOPSIS Convert an hashtable or and OrderedDictionary to a string .DESCRIPTION Convert an hashtable or and OrderedDictionary to a string .PARAMETER InputObject The object that is to be converted .EXAMPLE $hashObject = @{ Name = "Tore" Goal = "Rule the World" } $hashObject | ConvertTo-HashString This will convert the hashtable to the following string @{Name = "Tore";Goal = "Rule the World";} .INPUTS Hashtable .OUTPUTS string .NOTES Author: Tore Groneng Website: Twitter: @ToreGroneng #> [cmdletbinding()] Param ( [Parameter(ValueFromPipeLine)] $InputObject ) Begin { $f = $MyInvocation.InvocationName Write-Verbose -Message "$f - START" } Process { $out = "@{" if (-not $InputObject -or $InputObject.keys.count -eq 0) {return "@{}"} foreach ($key in $InputObject.Keys) { Write-Verbose -Message "$f - Processing key [$key]" if ($key.Contains('$')) { $DisplayKey = "'$key'" } $value = $InputObject.$key $objType = $value.GetType().Name Write-Verbose -Message "$f - ObjectType = $objType" $mode = "stringValue" if ($objType -eq "Hashtable" -or $objType -eq "OrderedDictionary") { $mode = "hashtable" } if ($value -is [array]) { if ($value[0]) { $arrayType = $value[0].GetType().Name Write-Verbose -Message "$f - arrayType is [$arrayType]" if ($arrayType -eq "Hashtable" -or $arrayType -eq "OrderedDictionary") { $mode = "HashTableValue" } else { $mode = "ArrayValue" } } } Write-Verbose -Message "$f - Mode is [$mode]" if ($DisplayKey) { $key = $DisplayKey $DisplayKey = $null } $out += "$key = " switch ($mode) { 'stringValue' { if ($value -is [int] -or $value -is [double]) { $out += "$value;" } elseif ($value -is [bool]) { $out += '$' + "$value;" } elseif ($value -is [datetime]) { $ticks = $value.Ticks $out += "New-Date $ticks;" } else { $out += '"' + $value + '";' } } 'hashtable' { $stringValue = ConvertTo-HashString -InputObject $value $out += $stringValue + ";" } 'HashTableValue' { $stringValue = "" foreach ($arrayHash in $value) { $hashString = ConvertTo-HashString -InputObject $arrayHash $hash = "$hashString" $hash = "$hash," $stringValue += $hash } $separatorIndex = $stringValue.LastIndexOf(",") $stringValue = $stringValue.Remove($separatorIndex,1) $out += $stringValue + ";" } 'ArrayValue' { if ($value[0] -is [int] -or $value[0] -is [double]) { $out += ($value -join ",") + ";" } else { $out += '"' +($value -join '","') + '";' } } default { Write-Error -Message "Invalid mode in funtion $f" } } } $out += "}" $out } End { Write-Verbose -Message "$f - End" } } |