#Requires -Version 4.0 function Assert-ScriptString { <# .SYNOPSIS Validate a scriptblock before execution into current runspace .DESCRIPTION Validate a string before execution into current runspace. The only allowed allowed command/cmdlet is New-Date included in this module. The string is converted to a scriptblock and is only executed if the validation passes. .PARAMETER Data The string that is to be validated for restricted language. .EXAMPLE $string = @" @{ Name = "Tore" Goal = "Rule the World" } "@ $scriptOutput = Assert-ScriptString -Data $string .INPUTS String .OUTPUTS .NOTES Author: Tore Groneng Website: Twitter: @ToreGroneng #> [cmdletbinding()] Param ( [Parameter(ValueFromPipeline)] [string] $Data ) $previousErrorAction = $ErrorActionPreference $ErrorActionPreference = "Stop" try { $script = [scriptblock]::Create($data) [string[]]$allowedCommands = @("New-Date") [string[]]$allowedVariables = @() $script.CheckRestrictedLanguage($allowedCommands, $allowedVariables, $false) & $script } catch { if ($previousErrorAction -ne "SilentlyContinue") { Write-Error -Exception $_.Exception -ErrorAction Stop } } Finally { $ErrorActionPreference = $previousErrorAction } } |