
using module @{ModuleName='guided-setup'; RequiredVersion='1.6.0' }

Import-Module 'pester' -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
if (-not $?) {
    Write-Host 'Pester is not installed, so this test cannot run. Run pwsh, install the Pester module (Install-Module Pester), and re-run this script.'
    exit 1

$location = join-path $PSScriptRoot '..'
push-location ($location)

'core/setup/prereqs.ps1' | ForEach-Object {
    Write-Debug "'$PSCommandPath' is including file '$_'"
    $path = join-path $location $_
    if (-not (Test-Path $path)) {
        Write-Error "Unable to find file script dependency at $path. Please download the entire GitHub repository and rerun the downloaded copy of this script."
    . $path | out-null

$DebugPreference = 'Continue'

function Test-SetupParameters([string] $testScriptPath, [string] $runSetupPath, [string] $workDir, [string] $params) {

    $scriptPath = join-path (split-path $testScriptPath) 'core/setup.ps1'
    $scriptCommand = '{0} -workDir ''{1}'' {2}' -f $scriptPath,$workDir,$params
    $actualCommand = Get-Content $runSetupPath
    $result = $actualCommand -eq $scriptCommand
    if (-not $result) {
        Write-Debug "`nExpected:`n$scriptCommand`nActual:`n$actualCommand"

function Set-TestDefaults() {
    $global:kubeContexts = 'minikube','EKS','AKS'
    $global:prereqsSatisified = $false

Describe 'Generate Setup Command w/o Replication And Default Options' -Tag 'NoReplicationDefaultOptions' {

    BeforeEach {

    It '(01) Non-replication with default options should generate invoke-helm setup command' {
        Set-NonReplicationWithDefaultOptionsPass 0 1

        . ./guided-setup.ps1

        $runSetupFile = join-path $TestDrive 'run-setup.ps1'
        $expectedParams = "-kubeContextName 'minikube' -namespace 'db' -releaseName 'mariadb' -rootPwd 'my-root-db-password' -replicaCount 0 -binaryLogExpirationSeconds 0 -lowerCaseTableNames 0"
        Test-SetupParameters $PSScriptRoot $runSetupFile $TestDrive $expectedParams | Should -BeTrue

    It '(02) Non-replication with default options should generate create-resource-files setup command' {
        Set-NonReplicationWithDefaultOptionsPass 1 1

        . ./guided-setup.ps1

        $runSetupFile = join-path $TestDrive 'run-setup.ps1'
        $expectedParams = "-kubeContextName 'minikube' -namespace 'db' -releaseName 'mariadb' -rootPwd 'my-root-db-password' -replicaCount 0 -binaryLogExpirationSeconds 0 -lowerCaseTableNames 0 -resourceFilesOnly"
        Test-SetupParameters $PSScriptRoot $runSetupFile $TestDrive $expectedParams | Should -BeTrue

Describe 'Generate Setup Command w/o Replication And MariaDB Options' -Tag 'NoReplicationWithOptions' {

    BeforeEach {

    It '(03) Non-replication with options should generate invoke-helm setup command' {
        Set-NonReplicationWithOptionsPass 0 'utf8mb4' 'utf8mb4_general_ci' 1 1

        . ./guided-setup.ps1

        $runSetupFile = join-path $TestDrive 'run-setup.ps1'
        $expectedParams = "-kubeContextName 'minikube' -namespace 'db' -releaseName 'mariadb' -rootPwd 'my-root-db-password' -characterSet 'utf8mb4' -collation 'utf8mb4_general_ci' -replicaCount 0 -binaryLogExpirationSeconds 0 -lowerCaseTableNames 1"
        Test-SetupParameters $PSScriptRoot $runSetupFile $TestDrive $expectedParams | Should -BeTrue

    It '(04) Non-replication with options should generate create-resource-files setup command' {
        Set-NonReplicationWithOptionsPass 1 'utf8mb4' 'utf8mb4_general_ci' 1 1

        . ./guided-setup.ps1

        $runSetupFile = join-path $TestDrive 'run-setup.ps1'
        $expectedParams = "-kubeContextName 'minikube' -namespace 'db' -releaseName 'mariadb' -rootPwd 'my-root-db-password' -characterSet 'utf8mb4' -collation 'utf8mb4_general_ci' -replicaCount 0 -binaryLogExpirationSeconds 0 -lowerCaseTableNames 1 -resourceFilesOnly"
        Test-SetupParameters $PSScriptRoot $runSetupFile $TestDrive $expectedParams | Should -BeTrue

Describe 'Generate Setup Command w/ Replication And MariaDB Options' -Tag 'WithReplicationWithOptions' {

    BeforeEach {

    It '(05) Non-replication with options should generate invoke-helm setup command' {
        $binaryLogExpirationDays = 45
        Set-ReplicationWithOptionsPass 0 1 $binaryLogExpirationDays 'utf8mb4' 'utf8mb4_general_ci' 1 1

        . ./guided-setup.ps1

        $runSetupFile = join-path $TestDrive 'run-setup.ps1'
        $binaryLogExpirationSeconds = 60 * 60 * 24 * $binaryLogExpirationDays
        $expectedParams = "-kubeContextName 'minikube' -namespace 'db' -releaseName 'mariadb' -rootPwd 'my-root-db-password' -replicatorPwd 'my-replicator-db-password' -characterSet 'utf8mb4' -collation 'utf8mb4_general_ci' -replicaCount 1 -binaryLogExpirationSeconds $binaryLogExpirationSeconds -lowerCaseTableNames 1"
        Test-SetupParameters $PSScriptRoot $runSetupFile $TestDrive $expectedParams | Should -BeTrue

    It '(06) Non-replication with options should generate create-resource-files setup command' {
        $binaryLogExpirationDays = 45
        Set-ReplicationWithOptionsPass 1 1 $binaryLogExpirationDays 'utf8mb4' 'utf8mb4_general_ci' 1 1

        . ./guided-setup.ps1

        $runSetupFile = join-path $TestDrive 'run-setup.ps1'
        $binaryLogExpirationSeconds = 60 * 60 * 24 * $binaryLogExpirationDays
        $expectedParams = "-kubeContextName 'minikube' -namespace 'db' -releaseName 'mariadb' -rootPwd 'my-root-db-password' -replicatorPwd 'my-replicator-db-password' -characterSet 'utf8mb4' -collation 'utf8mb4_general_ci' -replicaCount 1 -binaryLogExpirationSeconds $binaryLogExpirationSeconds -lowerCaseTableNames 1 -resourceFilesOnly"
        Test-SetupParameters $PSScriptRoot $runSetupFile $TestDrive $expectedParams | Should -BeTrue