class MariaDBOptions : Step { static [string] hidden $description = @' Specify whether you want to customize MariaDB options. '@ static [string] $defaultCharacterSet = 'UTF8' static [string] $defaultCollation = 'utf8_general_ci' static [int] $defaultLowerCaseTableNames = 0 MariaDBOptions([ConfigInput] $config) : base( [MariaDBOptions].Name, $config, 'MariaDB Options', [MariaDBOptions]::description, 'Use default options?') {} [IQuestion]MakeQuestion([string] $prompt) { return new-object YesNoQuestion($prompt, 'Yes, I want to use default MariaDB options', 'No, I want to customize MariaDB', 0) } [bool]HandleResponse([IQuestion] $question) { $this.config.configureOptions = ([YesNoQuestion]$question).choice -eq 1 if (-not $this.config.configureOptions) { $this.SetDefaultOptions() } return $true } [void]Reset() { $this.config.configureOptions = $false $this.SetDefaultOptions() } [void]SetDefaultOptions() { $this.config.characterSet = $this.defaultCharacterSet $this.config.collation = $this.defaultCollation $this.config.lowerCaseTableNames = $this.defaultLowerCaseTableNames } } class CharacterSet : Step { static [string] hidden $description = @' Specify the MariaDB character set you want to use. '@ CharacterSet([ConfigInput] $config) : base( [CharacterSet].Name, $config, 'Character Set', [CharacterSet]::description, "Enter Character Set (e.g., $([MariaDBOptions]::defaultCharacterSet))") {} [bool]HandleResponse([IQuestion] $question) { $this.config.characterSet = ([Question]$question).GetResponse([MariaDBOptions]::defaultCharacterSet) return $true } [void]Reset(){ $this.config.characterSet = [MariaDBOptions]::defaultCharacterSet } [bool]CanRun() { return $this.config.configureOptions } } class Collation : Step { static [string] hidden $description = @' Specify the MariaDB collation you want to use. '@ Collation([ConfigInput] $config) : base( [Collation].Name, $config, 'Character Set', [Collation]::description, "Enter Character Set (e.g., $([MariaDBOptions]::defaultCollation))") {} [bool]HandleResponse([IQuestion] $question) { $this.config.collation = ([Question]$question).GetResponse([MariaDBOptions]::defaultCollation) return $true } [void]Reset() { $this.config.collation = [MariaDBOptions]::defaultCollation } [bool]CanRun() { return $this.config.configureOptions } } class TableNameCase : Step { static [string] hidden $description = @' Specify the MariaDB table name case you want to use. '@ TableNameCase([ConfigInput] $config) : base( [TableNameCase].Name, $config, 'Table Name Case', [TableNameCase]::description, "Select table name case (e.g., $([MariaDBOptions]::defaultLowerCaseTableNames))") {} [IQuestion]MakeQuestion([string] $prompt) { $choices = @( [tuple]::create('Case-sensitive comparison', 'Use case-sensitive comparison for table/database names'), [tuple]::create('Lowercase with case-insensitive comparison', 'Use lowercase names for table/database names with case-insensitive comparison'), [tuple]::create('As declared with lowercase comparison', 'Use table/database names as declared with lowercase comparison') ) return new-object MultipleChoiceQuestion($this.prompt, $choices, -1) } [bool]HandleResponse([IQuestion] $question) { $this.config.lowerCaseTableNames = ([MultipleChoiceQuestion]$question).choice return $true } [void]Reset() { $this.config.lowerCaseTableNames = [MariaDBOptions]::defaultLowerCaseTableNames } [bool]CanRun() { return $this.config.configureOptions } } |