
class DeploymentMethod : Step {

    static [string] hidden $description = @'
The Guided Setup will help you specify deployment script parameters
based on your desired configuration and deployment method.
The deployment script supports the following deployment methods:
- Automated Helm Deployment (default)
- Manual Helm Deployment
Note: Enter '?' for deployment method descriptions.

    DeploymentMethod([ConfigInput] $config) : base(
        'Deployment Method',
        'How would you like to deploy MariaDB?') {}

    [IQuestion] MakeQuestion([string] $prompt) {
        return new-object MultipleChoiceQuestion($prompt, @(
            [tuple]::create('&Automated Helm', 'Deployment script will automate running helm with required resources'),
            [tuple]::create('&Manual Helm Deployment', 'Deployment script will generate the required resource and values files, and the helm command to run manually')), 0)

    [bool]HandleResponse([IQuestion] $question) {
        $this.config.resourceFilesOnly = ([MultipleChoiceQuestion]$question).choice -eq 1
        return $true

    [void]Reset() {
        $this.config.resourceFilesOnly = $false