class RootPwd : Step { static [string] hidden $description = @' Specify the password for the MariaDB root user that the deployment will create when provisioning the MariaDB database. '@ RootPwd([ConfigInput] $config) : base( [RootPwd].Name, $config, 'Database Root Password', [RootPwd]::description, 'Enter a password for the MariaDB root user') {} [IQuestion]MakeQuestion([string] $prompt) { $question = new-object ConfirmationQuestion($prompt) $question.isSecure = $true $question.blacklist = @("'") $question.minimumLength = 8 return $question } [bool]HandleResponse([IQuestion] $question) { $this.config.rootPwd = ([ConfirmationQuestion]$question).response return $true } [void]Reset(){ $this.config.rootPwd = '' } } class ReplicationPwd : Step { static [string] hidden $description = @' Specify the password for the MariaDB replication user that the deployment will create when provisioning the MariaDB database. '@ ReplicationPwd([ConfigInput] $config) : base( [ReplicationPwd].Name, $config, 'Database Replication Password', [ReplicationPwd]::description, 'Enter a password for the MariaDB replicator user') {} [IQuestion]MakeQuestion([string] $prompt) { $question = new-object ConfirmationQuestion($prompt) $question.isSecure = $true $question.blacklist = @("'") $question.minimumLength = 8 return $question } [bool]HandleResponse([IQuestion] $question) { $replicatorPwd = ([ConfirmationQuestion]$question).response if ($replicatorPwd -eq $this.config.rootPwd) { Write-Host "`nSpecify another password to avoid reusing the root password`n" return $false } $this.config.replicatorPwd = $replicatorPwd return $true } [void]Reset(){ $this.config.replicatorPwd = '' } [bool]CanRun() { return $this.config.IsReplicationEnabled() } } |