
class ChooseContext : Step {

    static [string] hidden $description = @'
Specify the kubectl context where this install will take place so that the
setup script can fetch configuration data.

    static [string] hidden $noContext = 'I do not have a cluster'

    ChooseContext([ConfigInput] $config) : base(
        'Kubectl Context',
        'What''s the kubectl context for this deployment?') {}

    [IQuestion]MakeQuestion([string] $prompt) {

        $contexts = Get-KubectlContexts
        $contexts | ForEach-Object {
            Write-Host $_
        $contextNames = Get-KubectlContexts -nameOnly
        $contextTuples = @()
        $contextTuples += $contextNames | ForEach-Object {
            [tuple]::create($_, "Use the kubectl context named $_ for your deployment")
        $contextTuples += [tuple]::create([ChooseContext]::noContext, "You do not have a cluster and need to create one first")

        return new-object MultipleChoiceQuestion($prompt, $contextTuples, -1)

    [bool]HandleResponse([IQuestion] $question) {

        $mcQuestion = [MultipleChoiceQuestion]$question
        $contextName = $mcQuestion.options[$mcQuestion.choice].item1.replace('&','')
        $this.config.kubeContextName = $contextName -eq [ChooseContext]::noContext ? '' : $contextName
        return $true

        $this.config.kubeContextName = ''

class HandleNoContext : Step {

    HandleNoContext([ConfigInput] $config) : base(
        '') {}

    [bool]Run() {
        Read-Host "Unable to continue because a Kuberenetes cluster is unavailable.`n`nPress Enter to continue"
        return $true

    [bool]CanRun() {
        return -not $this.config.HasContext()

class SelectContext: Step {

    SelectContext([ConfigInput] $config) : base(
        '') {}

    [bool]Run() {
        Write-HostSection 'Select Kubectl Context' 'Selecting kubectl context...'
        Set-KubectlContext $this.config.kubeContextName

        # retest k8s version prereqs using selected context
        $messages = @()
        $this.config.prereqsSatisified = Test-RequiredKubernetesVersion ([ref]$messages)
        if (-not $this.config.prereqsSatisified) {
            $this.config.missingPrereqs = $messages
            return $true
        $question = new-object YesNoQuestion("Continue with selected '$($this.config.kubeContextName)' context?",
            "Yes, continue with this context.",
            "No, select another context.", 0)

        if (-not $question.hasResponse) {
            return $false
        return $question.choice -eq 0

    [bool]CanRun() {
        return $this.config.HasContext()