<#PSScriptInfo .VERSION 1.0.0 .GUID bed24bcf-8230-4909-8619-50d5bc381721 .AUTHOR Guided Setup Author .DESCRIPTION Prepares helm and K8s resource files and optionally runs deployment #> param ( [string] $workDir = "$HOME/.k8s-mariadb", [string] $kubeContextName='dev', [string] $namespace = "db", [string] $releaseName = "mariadb", [int] $replicaCount = 1, [int] $binaryLogExpirationSeconds = 5, [string] $rootPwd = ([guid]::newguid().guid.replace('-','')), [string] $replicatorPwd = ([guid]::newguid().guid.replace('-','')), [string] $characterSet = 'UTF8', [string] $collation = 'utf8_general_ci', [int] $lowerCaseTableNames = 0, [string[]] $extraValuesFiles = @(), [int] $helmDeployWaitTimeSeconds = 600, [string] $primaryName = 'primary', [string] $replicaName = 'secondary', [switch] $resourceFilesOnly ) $ErrorActionPreference = 'Stop' $VerbosePreference = 'Continue' Set-PSDebug -Strict ### Import dependencies '../.install-guided-setup-module.ps1', # install currently required guided-setup version './setup/validate.ps1', './setup/directory.ps1', './setup/resources.ps1', './setup/helm.ps1' | ForEach-Object { $path = join-path $PSScriptRoot $_ if (-not (Test-Path $path)) { Write-Error "Unable to find file script dependency at $path. Please download all files and rerun the downloaded copy of this script." } . $path } ### parameter validation Write-Verbose 'Validating script parameters...' $prereqMessages = @() if (-not (Test-SetupParams ` ([ref]$prereqMessages) ` 'workDir','kubeContextName','namespace','releaseName','rootPwd','replicatorPwd','characterSet','collation' ` 'replicaCount','binaryLogExpirationSeconds','helmDeployWaitTimeSeconds' ` $rootPwd ` $replicatorPwd ` $replicaCount ` $lowerCaseTableNames ` $workDir ` $extraValuesFiles)) { Write-Error ([string]::join("`n", $prereqMessages)) } ### work directory config Write-Verbose 'Configuring work directory...' New-SetupWorkDirectory $workDir $namespace $releaseName ### namespace config Write-Verbose 'Configuring namespace...' New-MariaDBNamespace $namespace -resourceFileOnly:$resourceFilesOnly ### K8s secret config Write-Verbose 'Configuring MariaDB credential K8s Secret...' $dbCredentialsSecretName = 'db-credentials' New-MariaDBCredentialSecret $namespace $dbCredentialsSecretName $rootPwd $replicatorPwd -resourceFileOnly:$resourceFilesOnly ### K8s configmap config $dbOptionsConfigMapName = 'db-config' Write-Verbose 'Configuring MariaDB options K8s ConfigMap...' New-MariaDBOptionConfigMap $namespace $dbOptionsConfigMapName $characterSet $collation $lowerCaseTableNames $binaryLogExpirationSeconds -resourceFileOnly:$resourceFilesOnly ### helm values config $valuesFile = './helm-values.yaml' Write-Verbose 'Generating helm values file...' New-MariaDBValuesFile $dbCredentialsSecretName $dbOptionsConfigMapName $primaryName $replicaName $replicaCount $valuesFile ### gather all values files $valuesPaths = @((Get-ChildItem $valuesFile)) $extraValuesFiles | ForEach-Object { $valuesPaths += (Get-ChildItem $_) } if ($resourceFilesOnly) { ### Save recommended helm install/upgrade command Write-Verbose 'Generating helm command...' New-HelmCommand ` $namespace ` $releaseName ` 'bitnami/mariadb' ` $valuesPaths Write-Verbose 'Done' return } ### configure helm repository Write-Verbose 'Configuring helm repo...' Add-HelmRepo 'bitnami' '' ### invoking helm Write-Verbose 'Invoking helm...' Invoke-HelmCommand 'MariaDB' ` $helmDeployWaitTimeSeconds ` $namespace ` $releaseName ` 'bitnami/mariadb' ` $valuesPaths ### waiting for statefulsets, showing deployment progress $statefulSetName = $releaseName if ($releaseName -ne 'mariadb') { $statefulSetName = "$releaseName-mariadb" } if ($replicaCount -gt 0) { Wait-StatefulSet "StatefulSet: $primaryName" $helmDeployWaitTimeSeconds $namespace "$statefulSetName-$primaryName" 1 Wait-StatefulSet "StatefulSet: $replicaName" $helmDeployWaitTimeSeconds $namespace "$statefulSetName-$replicaName" $replicaCount } else { Wait-StatefulSet "StatefulSet: $releaseName" $helmDeployWaitTimeSeconds $namespace $statefulSetName 1 } |