
function Test-SetupPreqs([ref] $messages, [string] $context, [switch] $checkKubectlVersion) {

    $messages.Value = @()
    $isCore = Test-IsCore
    if (-not $isCore) {
        $messages.Value += 'Unable to continue because you must run this script with PowerShell Core (pwsh)'
    if ($isCore -and -not (Test-MinPsMajorVersion 7)) {
        $messages.Value += 'Unable to continue because you must run this script with PowerShell Core 7 or later'
    $apps = 'helm','kubectl'

    $appStatus = @{}
    $apps | foreach-object {
        $found = $null -ne (Get-AppCommandPath $_)
        $appStatus[$_] = $found

        if (-not $found) {
            $messages.Value += "Unable to continue because $_ cannot be found. Is $_ installed and included in your PATH?"
        if ($found -and $_ -eq 'helm') {
            $helmVersion = Get-HelmVersionMajorMinor
            if ($null -eq $helmVersion) {
                $messages.Value += 'Unable to continue because helm version was not detected.'
            $minimumHelmVersion = 3.1 # required for helm lookup function
            if ($helmVersion -lt $minimumHelmVersion) {
                $messages.Value += "Unable to continue with helm version $helmVersion, version $minimumHelmVersion or later is required"

    $canUseKubectl = $appStatus['kubectl']
    if ($canUseKubectl -and $checkKubectlVersion) {

        if ($context -eq '') {
            $context = Get-KubectlContext
        Set-KubectlContext $context

        $k8sMessages = @()
        if (-not (Test-RequiredKubernetesVersion ([ref]$k8sMessages))) {
            $messages.Value += $k8sMessages
            $messages.Value += "Note: The prerequisite check used kubectl context '$context'"

    $messages.Value.count -eq 0

function Test-RequiredKubernetesVersion ([ref]$k8sMessages) {

    $k8sRequiredMajorVersion = 1
    $k8sMinimumMinorVersion = 19
    $k8sMaximumMinorVersion = 24
    Test-SetupKubernetesVersion $k8sMessages $k8sRequiredMajorVersion $k8sMinimumMinorVersion $k8sMaximumMinorVersion