<#PSScriptInfo .VERSION 1.1.0 .GUID 30b223d9-c262-4631-9e29-c6ee8191dc26 .AUTHOR Code Dx .DESCRIPTION Includes graph-related helpers. #> function Add-Step([Graph] $graph, [GuidedSetupStep] $step) { $graph.addVertex($step) | out-null } function Add-StepTransition([Graph] $graph, [GuidedSetupStep] $from, [GuidedSetupStep] $to) { Write-Debug "Adding step transition from $($ to $($" foreach ($neighbor in $from.getNeighbors()) { if ($ -eq $ { return } } $graph.addEdge([GraphEdge]::new($from, $to)) | out-null } function Add-StepTransitions([Graph] $graph, [GuidedSetupStep] $from, [GuidedSetupStep[]] $toSteps) { for ($i = 0; $i -lt $toSteps.count; $i++) { $from = $i -eq 0 ? $from : $toSteps[$i-1] $to = $toSteps[$i] Add-StepTransition $graph $from $to } } function Clear-HostStep() { if ($DebugPreference -ne 'Continue') { Clear-Host $Host.UI.RawUI.CursorPosition = New-Object System.Management.Automation.Host.Coordinates 0,5 } } function Write-StepGraph([string] $path, [hashtable] $steps, [collections.stack] $stepsVisited) { "# Enter graph at (select 'dot' Engine and use Format 'png-image-element')`ndigraph G {`n" | out-file $path -force $linksVisited = New-Object Collections.Generic.HashSet[string] $previousStep = $null while ($stepsVisited.count -gt 0) { $step = $stepsVisited.pop() "$step [color=blue];" | out-file $path -append if ($null -eq $previousStep) { $previousStep = $step continue } $link = "$step -> $previousStep" "$link [color=blue];" | out-file $path -append $linksVisited.add($link) | out-null $previousStep = $step } $steps.keys | ForEach-Object { $node = $steps[$_] $node.getNeighbors() | ForEach-Object { $link = "$node -> $_" if (-not $linksVisited.Contains($link)) { "$link;" | out-file $path -append } } } "}" | out-file $path -append } function Invoke-GuidedSetup([string] $title, $beginState, $endStates) { $Host.UI.RawUI.WindowTitle = $title $v = $beginState $vStack = new-object collections.stack $edgeInfo = @() while ($true) { Clear-HostStep Write-Debug "`Previous Edges`: $edgeInfo; Running: $($v.Name)..." $edgeInfo = @() if (-not $v.Run()) { $v.Reset() if ($vStack.Count -ne 0) { $v = $vStack.Pop() $v.Reset() } continue } $vStack.Push($v) if ($endStates -contains $v) { break } $edges = $v.getEdges() if ($null -eq $edges) { throw "Unexpectedly found 0 edges associated with step $($v.Name)" } $edges | ForEach-Object { $edgeInfo += " $($_.endVertex) ($($_.endVertex.CanRun()))" } $next = $edges | Where-Object { $_.endVertex.CanRun() } | Select-Object -First 1 -ExpandProperty 'endVertex' if ($null -eq $next) { Write-Error "Found 0 next steps from $v, options included $($v.getNeighbors())." } $v = $next } $vStack } |