<#PSScriptInfo .VERSION 1.3.0 .GUID 04273f72-e001-415b-add0-e5e95e378355 .AUTHOR Code Dx .DESCRIPTION Includes Helm-related helpers #> function Get-HelmReleaseHistory([string] $namespace, [string] $releaseName) { $history = helm -n $namespace history $releaseName --max 1 -o json if ($null -eq $history) { return $null } convertfrom-json $history } function Get-HelmReleaseAppVersion([string] $namespace, [string] $releaseName) { $history = Get-HelmReleaseHistory $namespace $releaseName if ($null -eq $history) { return $null } new-object Management.Automation.SemanticVersion($history.app_version) } function Add-HelmRepo([string] $name, [string] $url) { helm repo add $name $url if ($LASTEXITCODE -ne 0) { throw "Unable to add helm repository, helm exited with code $LASTEXITCODE." } helm repo update if ($LASTEXITCODE -ne 0) { throw "Unable to run helm repo update, helm exited with code $LASTEXITCODE." } } function Test-HelmRelease([string] $namespace, [string] $releaseName) { $Local:ErrorActionPreference = 'SilentlyContinue' helm -n $namespace status $releaseName *>&1 | Out-Null $LASTEXITCODE -eq 0 } function Get-HelmValues([string] $namespace, [string] $releaseName) { $values = helm -n $namespace get values $releaseName -o json if ($LASTEXITCODE -ne 0) { throw "Unable to get release values, helm exited with code $LASTEXITCODE." } ConvertFrom-Json $values } function Invoke-HelmCommand([string] $message, [int] $waitSeconds, [string] $namespace, [string] $releaseName, [string] $timeout = '5m0s', [string] $chartReference, [string] $valuesFile, [string[]] $extraValuesPaths, [string] $version, [switch] $reuseValues, [switch] $dryRun, [switch] $skipCRDs) { if (test-path $chartReference -pathtype container) { Write-Verbose 'Running helm dependency update...' helm dependency update $chartReference | Out-Null if ($LASTEXITCODE -ne 0) { throw "Unable to run dependency update, helm exited with code $LASTEXITCODE." } } if (-not $dryRun) { if (Test-Namespace $namespace) { Wait-AllRunningPods "Pre-Helm Install: $message" $waitSeconds $namespace } else { Write-Verbose "Skipping pre-helm install check because namespace '$namespace' does not exist or insufficient privileges affected the namespace test." } } # NOTE: Latter values files take precedence over former ones $valuesPaths = $extraValuesPaths if ($valuesFile -ne '') { $valuesPaths = @($valuesFile) + $extraValuesPaths } $values = @() $tmpPaths = @() $helmOutput = '' try { $valuesPaths | ForEach-Object { $values = $values + "--values" $valuesFilePath = Set-KubectlFromFilePath $_ ([ref]$tmpPaths) $values = $values + ('"{0}"' -f $valuesFilePath) } $versionParam = @() if ('' -ne $version) { $versionParam = $versionParam + "--version" $versionParam = $versionParam + "$version" } Write-Verbose "Running Helm Upgrade: $message (timeout $timeout)..." $dryRunParam = $dryRun ? '--dry-run' : '' $debugParam = $dryRun ? '--debug' : '' $valuesParam = '--reset-values' # merge $values with the latest, default chart values if ($reuseValues) { $valuesParam = '--reuse-values' # merge $values used with the last upgrade } $crdAction = $skipCRDs ? '--skip-crds' : '' $helmOutput = helm upgrade --namespace $namespace --install --create-namespace $valuesParam $releaseName --timeout $timeout @values $chartReference @versionParam $crdAction $dryRunParam $debugParam if ($LASTEXITCODE -ne 0) { throw "Unable to run helm upgrade/install, helm exited with code $LASTEXITCODE." } $helmOutput = $helmOutput -join [Environment]::NewLine Write-Verbose "Helm output: $helmOutput" if ($dryRun) { $manifestLabel = 'MANIFEST:' $manifestIndex = $helmOutput.indexof($manifestLabel) + $manifestLabel.length $notesIndex = $helmOutput.indexof('NOTES:') if ($notesIndex -eq -1) { $notesIndex = $helmOutput.length - 1 } # Usable content is between 'MANIFEST:' and 'NOTES:' $helmOutput = $helmOutput.substring($manifestIndex, $notesIndex - $manifestIndex) } } finally { $tmpPaths | ForEach-Object { Write-Verbose "Removing temporary file '$_'"; Remove-Item $_ -Force } } return $helmOutput } function Get-HelmVersionMajorMinor() { $versionMatch = helm version -c | select-string 'Version:"v(?<version>\d+\.\d+)' if ($null -eq $versionMatch -or -not $versionMatch.Matches.Success) { return $null } [double]$versionMatch.Matches.Groups[1].Value } function Get-HelmChartFullname([string] $releaseName, [string] $chartName) { $fullname = $releaseName if ($releaseName -cne $chartName) { $fullname = "$releaseName-$chartName" } Get-CommonName $fullname } function Get-CommonName([string] $name) { # note: matches chart "sanitize" helper if ($name.length -gt 63) { $name = $name.Substring(0, 63) } $name.TrimEnd('-') } |