<#PSScriptInfo .VERSION 1.0.0 .GUID 0bccb44c-14f1-44c0-b41b-3fa02f5bb412 .AUTHOR Code Dx .DESCRIPTION Includes MariaDB-related helpers #> function Copy-DBBackupFiles([string] $namespace, [string] $backupFiles, [string] $podName, [string] $containerName, [string] $destinationPath) { kubectl -n $namespace exec -c $containerName $podName -- rm -Rf $destinationPath kubectl -n $namespace exec -c $containerName $podName -- mkdir -p $destinationPath if (0 -ne $LASTEXITCODE) { Write-Error "Unable to create directory to store backup files, kubectl exited with exit code $LASTEXITCODE." } $backupFilesParent = Split-Path $backupFiles -Parent Push-Location $backupFilesParent $sourcePath = Split-Path $backupFiles -Leaf kubectl -n $namespace cp -c $containerName $sourcePath $podName`:$destinationPath if (0 -ne $LASTEXITCODE) { Write-Error "Unable to copy backup files to pod, kubectl exited with exit code $LASTEXITCODE." } Pop-Location } function Stop-SlaveDB([string] $namespace, [string] $podName, [string] $containerName, [string] $rootPwd) { kubectl -n $namespace exec -c $containerName $podName -- mysqladmin -uroot --password=$rootPwd stop-slave if (0 -ne $LASTEXITCODE) { Write-Error "Unable to stop DB slave, kubectl exited with exit code $LASTEXITCODE." } } function Get-MasterFilePosAfterReset([string] $namespace, [string] $containerName, [string] $podName, [string] $rootPwd) { $cmd = 'RESET MASTER;FLUSH TABLES WITH READ LOCK;SHOW MASTER STATUS \G;UNLOCK TABLES;' $output = kubectl -n $namespace exec -c $containerName $podName -- mysql -uroot --password=$rootPwd -e $cmd if (0 -ne $LASTEXITCODE) { throw "Unable to get file position from master, kubectl exited with exit code $LASTEXITCODE." } $filePos = @{} $fileMatch = $output | select-string -pattern 'File:\s(?<file>.+)$' $filePos.file = $fileMatch.matches.Groups[1].value $positionMatch = $output | select-string -pattern 'Position:\s(?<file>\d+)$' $filePos.position = $positionMatch.matches.Groups[1].value $filePos } function Start-SlaveDB([string] $namespace, [string] $podName, [string] $containerName, [string] $replUsername, [string] $replPwd, [string] $rootPwd, [string] $mariaDbServiceName, $filePos) { # Assume `STOP SLAVE` (or Stop-SlaveDB) was run $cmd = "RESET SLAVE; CHANGE MASTER TO MASTER_LOG_FILE='$($filePos.file)',MASTER_LOG_POS=$($filePos.position),MASTER_HOST='$mariaDbServiceName',MASTER_USER='$replUsername',MASTER_PASSWORD='$replPwd'; START SLAVE; SHOW SLAVE STATUS \G;" kubectl -n $namespace exec -c $containerName $podName -- mysql -uroot --password=$rootPwd -e $cmd if (0 -ne $LASTEXITCODE) { Write-Error "Unable to start DB slave, kubectl exited with exit code $LASTEXITCODE." } } function Get-DatabaseUrl([string] $databaseHost, [int] $databasePort, [string] $databaseName, [string] $databaseCertPath, [switch] $databaseSkipTls) { $url = "jdbc:mysql://$databaseHost" if ($databasePort -ne 3306) { $url = "$url`:$databasePort" } $url = "$url/$databaseName" if (-not $databaseSkipTls) { if ($databaseCertPath -eq '' -or -not (Test-Path $databaseCertPath -PathType Leaf)) { throw "Using a One-Way SSL/TLS configuration requires a server certificate" } $url = "$url`?useSSL=true&requireSSL=true" } $url } function Remove-Database([string] $namespace, [string] $podName, [string] $containerName, [string] $rootPwd, [string] $databaseName) { $cmd = "DROP DATABASE IF EXISTS $databaseName" kubectl -n $namespace exec -c $containerName $podName -- mysql -uroot --password=$rootPwd -e $cmd if (0 -ne $LASTEXITCODE) { Write-Error "Unable to drop database, kubectl exited with exit code $LASTEXITCODE." } } function New-Database([string] $namespace, [string] $podName, [string] $containerName, [string] $rootPwd, [string] $databaseName, [string] $databaseDump, [switch] $skipDropDatabase) { if (-not $skipDropDatabase) { Remove-Database $namespace $podName $containerName $rootPwd $databaseName } $cmd = "CREATE DATABASE $databaseName" kubectl -n $namespace exec -c $containerName $podName -- mysql -uroot --password=$rootPwd -e $cmd if (0 -ne $LASTEXITCODE) { Write-Error "Unable to create database, kubectl exited with exit code $LASTEXITCODE." } if (-not (Test-Path $databaseDump -PathType Leaf)) { Write-Error "Unable to find database dump file at $databaseDump." } $importPath = '/tmp/import.sql' Copy-K8sItem $namespaceCodeDx $databaseDump $podName $containerName $importPath kubectl -n $namespace exec -c $containerName $podName -- bash -c "mysql -uroot --password=""$rootPwd"" $databaseName < $importPath" if (0 -ne $LASTEXITCODE) { Write-Error "Unable to import database dump, kubectl exited with exit code $LASTEXITCODE." } } function Test-Database([string] $namespace, [string] $podName, [string] $containerName, [string] $rootPwd) { kubectl -n $namespace exec -c $containerName $podName -- bash -c "mysqladmin -uroot --password=""$rootPwd"" status" | out-null 0 -eq $LASTEXITCODE } |