.VERSION 1.0.0 .GUID b9a28367-a806-4d33-936c-73f8dc9e522a .AUTHOR Code Dx .DESCRIPTION Includes input-related helpers #> function Read-HostEnter([string] $prompt='Press Enter to continue...') { Read-Host $prompt } function Write-HostSection([string] $title, [string] $message) { Write-Host $title -ForegroundColor White Write-Host Write-Host $message Write-Host } function Read-HostChoice([string] $question, [tuple`2[string,string][]] $options, [int] $defaultOption) { if ($options.count -lt 2) { throw "Expected the options list for '$prompt' to contain at least two items." } $choices = @() $mnemonics = New-Object Collections.Generic.HashSet[string] $options | ForEach-Object { $choiceKey = $_.Item1 $choiceMnemonic = $choiceKey.ToLower() | select-string -pattern '^[^&]*&(?<mnemonic>.)' if ($choiceMnemonic.Matches.Success) { # use provided mnemonic, even if it conflicts with another provided one $mnemonics.Add($choiceMnemonic.Matches.Groups[1].value) | out-null } else { # select an available mnemonic when one wasn't provided $chars = $choiceKey.ToLower().ToCharArray() for ($i = 0; $i -lt $chars.Length; $i++) { $char = $chars[$i] if ($char -notmatch '\W' -and -not $mnemonics.Contains($char)) { $mnemonics.Add($char) | out-null $choiceKey = '{0}&{1}' -f $choiceKey.Substring(0, $i),$choiceKey.Substring($i) break } } } $choices += New-Object Management.Automation.Host.ChoiceDescription($choiceKey, $_.Item2) } Write-Host "$question`n" (Get-Host).UI.PromptForChoice('', '', $choices, $defaultOption) } |