# Copyright (C) 2024 kzrnm # Based on git-completion.bash ( # Distributed under the GNU General Public License, version 2.0. using namespace System.Management.Automation; function gitCompletStashList { gitStashList | ForEach-Object { [CompletionResult]::new( "'$($_.Name)'", $_.Name, 'ParameterValue', $_.Message ) } } $__BuiltinDescriptionBuilder = ([scriptblock] { Get-GitOptionsDescription $_ @Command }) function gitCompleteResolveBuiltins { [OutputType([CompletionResult[]])] [CmdletBinding(PositionalBinding = $false)] param ( [Parameter(Mandatory)] [AllowEmptyString()] [string] $Current, [Parameter(Mandatory, ValueFromRemainingArguments)] [string[]] $Command, [string[]] $Include = $null, [string[]] $Exclude = $null, [switch] $Check ) if ($Include) { $Include += @(gitResolveBuiltins @Command -Check:$Check) } else { $Include = @(gitResolveBuiltins @Command -Check:$Check) } if ($Exclude) { $ex = [System.Collections.Generic.HashSet[string]]::new($Exclude.Length) foreach ($e in $Exclude) { $ex.Add($e) | Out-Null } $Include | Where-Object { !$ex.Contains($_) } | gitcomp -Current $Current -DescriptionBuilder $__BuiltinDescriptionBuilder } else { $Include | gitcomp -Current $Current -DescriptionBuilder $__BuiltinDescriptionBuilder } } # __git_complete_remote_or_refspec function gitCompleteRemoteOrRefspec { [OutputType([CompletionResult[]])] param ( [Parameter(Position = 0, Mandatory)] [CommandLineContext] $Context, [CompletionResultType] $ResultType = [CompletionResultType]::ParameterValue ) $Command = $Context.Command $Current = $Context.CurrentWord() $Prefix = '' $remote = '' $lhs = $true $noCompleteRefspec = $false $c = 1 if ($Command -eq 'remote') { $c++ } for ($i = $Context.CommandIndex + $c; $i -lt $Context.Words.Length; $i++) { if ($i -eq $Context.CurrentIndex) { continue } $w = $Context.Words[$i] if (($i -lt $Context.CurrentIndex) -and !$w.StartsWith('-')) { $remote = $w break } if ($w -eq '--multiple') { $noCompleteRefspec = $true break } elseif ($Command -eq 'push') { if ($w -cin '--mirror', '--all') { $noCompleteRefspec = $true } elseif ($w -cmatch '^-([^-]*d[^-]*|-delete)$') { $lhs = $false } } elseif (($Command -eq 'fetch') -and ($w -eq '--all')) { return } } if (!$remote) { gitRemote | completeList -Current $Current -ResultType $ResultType return } if ($noCompleteRefspec) { return @() } if ($remote -eq '.') { $remote = '' } switch -Wildcard ($Current) { '*:*' { ($left, $right) = $Current -split ":", 2 $Prefix = "${left}:" $Current = "$right" $lhs = $false break } '+*' { $Prefix = '+' $Current = $Current.Substring(1) break } } if ($Command -eq 'fetch') { if ($lhs) { gitCompleteFetchRefspecs -Remote $remote -Current $Current -Prefix $Prefix -ResultType $ResultType } else { gitCompleteRefs -Current $Current -Prefix $Prefix -ResultType $ResultType } } elseif ($Command -in @('pull', 'remote')) { if ($lhs) { gitCompleteRefs -Current $Current -Prefix $Prefix -Remote $remote -ResultType $ResultType } else { gitCompleteRefs -Current $Current -Prefix $Prefix -ResultType $ResultType } } elseif ($Command -eq 'push') { if ($lhs) { gitCompleteRefs -Current $Current -Prefix $Prefix -ResultType $ResultType } else { gitCompleteRefs -Current $Current -Prefix $Prefix -Remote $remote -ResultType $ResultType } } } function gitCompleteRefs { [Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute('PSUseDeclaredVarsMoreThanAssignments', 'matchRef')] [CmdletBinding(PositionalBinding = $false)] [OutputType([CompletionResult[]])] param( [Parameter(Mandatory, Position = 0)][AllowEmptyString()][string] $Current, [string] $Remote = "", [string] $Prefix = "", [string] $Suffix = "", [ValidateSet('refs', 'heads', 'remote-heads')][string] $Mode = "refs", [switch] $dwim, [CompletionResultType] $ResultType = [CompletionResultType]::ParameterValue ) switch ($Mode) { 'refs' { $matchRef = $false gitRefs -Current $Current -Remote $Remote | ForEach-Object { if ($Current -ceq $_) { $matchRef = $true } $_ } | completeList -Current $Current -Prefix $Prefix -Suffix $Suffix -ResultType $ResultType -DescriptionBuilder { gitCommitMessage $_ } if ($Current) { if ($matchRef) { $pp = "$Current~" $skip = 1 } else { $pp = $Current $skip = 0 } gitRecentLog $Current -Skip $skip -MaxCount:(6 - $skip) | ForEach-Object { [CompletionResult]::new( "$Prefix$pp$Suffix", $pp, $ResultType, $_ ) $pp = "$pp~" } } } 'heads' { gitHeads -Current $Current | completeList -Prefix $Prefix -Suffix $Suffix -ResultType $ResultType } 'remote-heads' { gitRemoteHeads -Current $Current | completeList -Prefix $Prefix -Suffix $Suffix -ResultType $ResultType } } if ($dwim) { gitDwimRemoteHeads -Current $Current | completeList -Prefix $Prefix -Suffix $Suffix -ResultType $ResultType } } # __git_complete_fetch_refspecs function gitCompleteFetchRefspecs { [OutputType([CompletionResult[]])] param ( [Parameter(Mandatory)][AllowEmptyString()][string] $Current, [Parameter(Mandatory)][string] $Remote, [string] $Prefix = "", [string] $Suffix = "", [CompletionResultType] $ResultType = [CompletionResultType]::ParameterValue ) gitRefs -Remote $Remote -Current $Current | ForEach-Object { "${_}:${_}" } | completeList -Current $Current -Prefix $Prefix -Suffix $Suffix -ResultType $ResultType } # __git_complete_strategy function gitCompleteStrategy { [OutputType([CompletionResult[]])] param ( [Parameter(Mandatory)][AllowEmptyString()][string] $Current, [Parameter(Mandatory)][AllowEmptyString()][string] $Prev ) $gitMergeStrategyOptions = @( 'ours', 'theirs', 'subtree', 'subtree=', 'patience', 'histogram', 'diff-algorithm=', 'ignore-space-change', 'ignore-all-space', 'ignore-space-at-eol', 'renormalize', 'no-renormalize', 'no-renames', 'find-renames', 'find-renames=', 'rename-threshold=' ) if ($Prev -cmatch '^-([^-]*s|-strategy)$') { gitListMergeStrategies | completeList -Current $Current -ResultType ParameterValue return } elseif ($Prev -cmatch '^-([^-]*X|-strategy-option)$') { $gitMergeStrategyOptions | completeList -Current $Current -ResultType ParameterValue return } switch -Wildcard ($Current) { '--strategy=*' { gitListMergeStrategies | completeList -Current $Current -ResultType ParameterValue -Prefix '--strategy=' -RemovePrefix return } '--strategy-option=*' { $gitMergeStrategyOptions | completeList -Current $Current -ResultType ParameterValue -Prefix '--strategy-option=' -RemovePrefix return } } return $null } <# .SYNOPSIS __git_complete_index_file .DESCRIPTION __git_complete_index_file complete index files by ls-file. .PARAMETER Options The options to to pass to ls-file. The exception is --committable, which finds the files appropriate commit. #> function gitCompleteIndexFile { [OutputType([CompletionResult[]])] param( [Parameter(Mandatory)] [AllowEmptyString()] [string] $Current, [Parameter(Mandatory)] [IndexFilesOptions] $Options, [Parameter()] [string[]] $Exclude, [switch] $LeadingDash ) if ($Current -cmatch "^(?<prefix>.*[$DirectorySeparatorCharsRegex])(?<path>.*?)$") { $BaseDir = $Matches['prefix'] $Current = $Matches['path'] } else { $BaseDir = '' } gitIndexFiles -Options $Options -Current $Current -BaseDir $BaseDir | filterFiles -Exclude $Exclude | Sort-Object -Unique | completeFromFileList -Prefix $BaseDir -LeadingDash:$LeadingDash } # __git_complete_revlist # __git_complete_file # __git_complete_revlist_file function gitCompleteRevlistFile { [OutputType([CompletionResult[]])] param ( [Parameter(Mandatory, Position = 0)] [AllowEmptyString()] $Current ) switch -Regex ($Current) { '(?<prefix>.*\.{2,3}.*:)(?<file>.*)' { completeCurrentDirectory $Matches['file'] -Prefix $Matches['prefix'] return } '(?<ref>[^:]+):(?<file>.*)' { $ref = $Matches['ref'] $CurrentFile = $Matches['file'] $Prefix = '' $BaseDir = '' switch -Regex ($CurrentFile) { { $_.StartsWith('.') } { completeCurrentDirectory $CurrentFile -Prefix "${ref}:" return } '(?<prefix>.+)/(?<current>[^/]*)' { $CurrentFile = $Matches['current'] $ls = "${ref}:$($Matches['prefix'])" $BaseDir = $Matches['prefix'] $Prefix = "${ls}/" } Default { $ls = $ref $Prefix = "${ref}:" } } gitLsTreeFile "$ls" | completeLocalFile -Current $CurrentFile -Prefix $Prefix -BaseDir $BaseDir -RemovePrefix return } '(?<prefix>.*\.{2,3})(?<current>.*)' { gitCompleteRefs $Matches['current'] -Prefix $Matches['prefix'] return } Default { gitCompleteRefs $Current return } } } Set-Alias gitCompleteFile gitCompleteRevlistFile Set-Alias gitCompleteRevlist gitCompleteRevlistFile |