#Requires -Module Pester, git-completion using namespace System.Management.Automation; $ErrorActionPreference = 'Continue' . "$PSScriptRoot/ConvertCompletion.ps1" $script:NoOptionsCompletion = '--no-...' | ConvertTo-Completion -ResultType Text -CompletionText '--no-' function ConvertTo-KebabCase { param ( [Parameter(ValueFromPipeline)] [string]$Text ) process { ($Text -creplace '(?!^)([A-Z])', '-$1').ToLowerInvariant() } } function Initialize-Home { $script:GitCompletionSettings = @{ IgnoreCase = $false; ShowAllCommand = $false; ShowAllOptions = $false; CheckoutNoGuess = $false AdditionalCommands = @(); ExcludeCommands = @(); } $script:envHOMEBak = $env:HOME mkdir ($env:HOME = "$TestDrive/home") "[user]`nemail = Kitazato@example.com`nname = 1000yen" | Out-File "$env:HOME/.gitconfig" -Encoding ascii } function Restore-Home { $env:HOME = $script:envHOMEBak } function Initialize-SimpleRepo { [CmdletBinding(PositionalBinding)] param( $rootPath ) Push-Location $rootPath git init --initial-branch=main git commit -m "initial" --allow-empty mkdir Pwsh | Out-Null 'Pwsh/ign*' > 'Pwsh/ignored' 'Pwsh/ign*' | Out-File '.gitignore' -Encoding ascii 'echo world' > 'Pwsh/world.ps1' git add -A 2>$null git commit -m "World" git config alias.sw "switch" git config alias.swf "sw -f" git config --file test.config alias.ll "!ls" Pop-Location } function Initialize-Remote { [CmdletBinding(PositionalBinding)] param( $rootPath, $remotePath ) Push-Location $remotePath git init --initial-branch=develop "Initial" > 'initial.txt' "echo hello" > 'hello.sh' git update-index --add --chmod=+x hello.sh git add -A 2>$null git commit -m "initial" (0..10) > Number.txt git add Number.txt git commit -m zeta git tag zeta git reset HEAD~ --hard Pop-Location Push-Location $rootPath git init --initial-branch=main git remote add origin "$remotePath" git remote add ordinary "$remotePath" git remote add grm "$remotePath" git config set remotes.default "origin grm" git config set remotes.ors "origin ordinary" git fetch origin --tags 2>$null git fetch ordinary 2>$null git fetch grm 2>$null git reset origin/develop --hard 2>$null git tag initial mkdir Pwsh 'Pwsh/ign*' > 'Pwsh/ignored' 'Pwsh/ign*' | Out-File '.gitignore' -Encoding ascii 'echo world' > 'Pwsh/world.ps1' git add -A 2>$null git commit -m "World" Pop-Location } function Initialize-FilesRepo { [CmdletBinding(PositionalBinding)] param( $rootPath, $remotePath ) if ($remotePath) { Initialize-Remote $rootPath $remotePath } else { Initialize-SimpleRepo $rootPath } Push-Location $rootPath New-Item "$TestDrive/gitRoot/Pwsh/OptionLike/-foo.ps1" -ItemType File -Force New-Item "$TestDrive/gitRoot/Dr.Wily" -ItemType File New-Item "$TestDrive/gitRoot/Aquarion Evol" -ItemType Directory New-Item "$TestDrive/gitRoot/Aquarion Evol/Evol" -ItemType File New-Item "$TestDrive/gitRoot/Aquarion Evol/Ancient" -ItemType Directory New-Item "$TestDrive/gitRoot/Aquarion Evol/Ancient/Soler" -ItemType File git add "$TestDrive/gitRoot/Dr.Wily" "$TestDrive/gitRoot/Aquarion Evol/" "$TestDrive/gitRoot/Pwsh/OptionLike/-foo.ps1" git commit -m "Start" 'X' > "$TestDrive/gitRoot/Dr.Wily" 'LOVE' > "$TestDrive/gitRoot/Aquarion Evol/Evol" '-bar' > "$TestDrive/gitRoot/Pwsh/OptionLike/-foo.ps1" New-Item "$TestDrive/gitRoot/Pwsh/L1/L2/🏪.ps1" -ItemType File -Force New-Item "$TestDrive/gitRoot/漢字" -ItemType Directory New-Item "$TestDrive/gitRoot/漢``'帝 国'" -ItemType File New-Item "$TestDrive/gitRoot/Deava" -ItemType File New-Item "$TestDrive/gitRoot/Aquarion Evol/Gepard" -ItemType File New-Item "$TestDrive/gitRoot/Aquarion Evol/Gepada" -ItemType File Pop-Location } function Complete-FromLine { [OutputType([CompletionResult[]])] param ( [string][Parameter(ValueFromPipeline)] $line, [string]$Right = '' ) switch -Wildcard ($line) { 'gitk *' { Set-Alias Complete Complete-Gitk -Scope Local break } 'git *' { Set-Alias Complete Complete-Git -Scope Local break } Default { throw 'Invalid input' } } $CommandAst = [System.Management.Automation.Language.Parser]::ParseInput($line + $Right, [ref]$null, [ref]$null).EndBlock.Statements.PipelineElements $CursorPosition = $line.Length return (Complete -CommandAst $CommandAst -CursorPosition $CursorPosition) } function writeObjectLine { param( [Parameter(Position = 0)]$Completion, [string] $Prefix = '', [string] $Suffix = '' ) "$Prefix$(if($Completion){[PSCustomObject]@{ CompletionText = $Completion.CompletionText; ListItemText = $Completion.ListItemText; ResultType = $Completion.ResultType; ToolTip = $Completion.ToolTip; }})$Suffix" } function buildFailedMessage { [OutputType([string[]])] param ( $ActualValue, [array] $ExpectedValue ) if (!$ActualValue) { if (!$ExpectedValue) { return @() } "The expected collection is not empty, but the resulting collection is empty." "Expected:" foreach ($e in $ExpectedValue) { writeObjectLine $e -Suffix ',' } return } elseif ($null -eq $ExpectedValue) { "The expected collection is null." } if ($ActualValue.Count -ne $ExpectedValue.Count) { "The expected collection with size $($ExpectedValue.Count), but the resulting collection with size $($ActualValue.Count)." } $Length = [math]::Max($ExpectedValue.Length, $ActualValue.Length) for ($i = 0; $i -lt $Length ; $i++) { $a = [CompletionResult]$ActualValue[$i] $e = $ExpectedValue[$i] if ( ($a.CompletionText -ne $e.CompletionText) -or ($a.ListItemText -ne $e.ListItemText) -or ($a.ToolTip -ne $e.ToolTip) -or ($a.ResultType -ne [System.Management.Automation.CompletionResultType]$e.ResultType) ) { $head = "At index:$i,expected " $second = "but actual " $second = ' ' * ($head.Length - $second.Length) + $second writeObjectLine $e -Prefix $head writeObjectLine $a -Prefix $second } } } function Should-BeCompletion { [Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute('PSUseApprovedVerbs', '', Scope = 'Function')] param( $ActualValue, [array] $ExpectedValue, [string] $Because ) <# .SYNOPSIS Asserts if collection equals expected completion #> $message = @(buildFailedMessage -ActualValue $ActualValue -ExpectedValue $ExpectedValue) if ($message) { if ($Because) { $message += "because $Because" } return [PSCustomObject]@{ Succeeded = $false FailureMessage = $message -join "`n" } } return [PSCustomObject]@{ Succeeded = $true FailureMessage = $null } } Add-ShouldOperator -Name BeCompletion ` -Test ${function:Should-BeCompletion} ` -SupportsArrayInput Export-ModuleMember ` -Function Complete-FromLine, Initialize-Home, Restore-Home, ` ConvertTo-KebabCase, ConvertTo-Completion, ` Initialize-Remote, Initialize-SimpleRepo, Initialize-FilesRepo ` -Variable 'NoOptionsCompletion' |