Set-StrictMode -Version Latest # Constant Set-Variable systemGlobalDataPath -Option Constant -Value "$Env:ProgramData\ghcups" Set-Variable userGlobalDataPath -Option Constant -Value "$Env:APPDATA\ghcups" Set-Variable versionPattern -Option Constant -Value '[0-9]+(\.[0-9]+)*' Set-Variable localConfigName -Option Constant -Value 'ghcups.yaml' Set-Variable globalConfigName -Option Constant -Value 'config.yaml' # Common function Find-LocalConfigPath { param ( [Parameter(Mandatory)][String] $Dir ) While ($true) { if ($Dir -eq $Env:USERPROFILE -or [String]::IsNullOrEmpty($Dir)) { '' return } $test = Join-Path $Dir $localConfigName if (Test-Path $test) { $test return } $Dir = Split-Path $Dir -Parent } } function Get-Config { param ( [Parameter(Mandatory)][AllowNull()][AllowEmptyString()][String] $Path ) if ([String]::IsNullOrEmpty($Path)) { $null return } if (-not (Test-Path $Path)) { $null return } ConvertFrom-Yaml (Get-Content $Path -Raw) } function Get-HashtaleItem { param ( [Parameter(Mandatory)][Object[]] $Name, [Hashtable] $Hashtable ) $item = $Hashtable foreach ($n in $Name) { if ($null -eq $item) { $null return } $item = $item[$n] } $item } function Copy-HashtableDeeply { param ( [Hashtable] $Hashtable ) $result = @{} foreach ($key in $Hashtable.Keys) { $item = $Hashtable[$key] if ($item -is [Hashtable]) { $result.Add($key, (Copy-HashtableDeeply $item)) continue } if ($null -eq $item) { $result.Add($key, $null) continue } $result.Add($key, $item.Clone()) } $result } function Join-Hashtables { param ( [Hashtable[]] $Hashtables, [Switch] $Breaking = $false ) if ($null -eq $Hashtables -or @() -eq $Hashtables) { $null return } $result = $null foreach ($h in $Hashtables) { if ($null -eq $h) { continue } if ($null -eq $result) { if ($Breaking) { $result = $h } else { $result = Copy-HashtableDeeply $h } continue } foreach ($key in $h.Keys) { $value = $h[$key] if ($result.ContainsKey($key)) { if ($value -is [Hashtable]) { [void] (Join-Hashtables $result[$key], $value -Breaking) } } else { $result.Add($key, $h[$key]) } } } $result } function All { param ([Parameter(ValueFromPipeline)][Boolean[]] $ps) begin { $acc = $true } process { foreach ($p in $ps) { $acc = $acc -and $p } } end { $acc } } function Set-PathEnv { param ( [Parameter(Mandatory)][String[]] $patterns, [Parameter(Mandatory)][AllowEmptyString()][String] $path ) if (-not [String]::IsNullOrEmpty($path) -and -not (Test-Path $path)) { Write-Warning "`"$path`" is not an existing path" } $restPaths = $Env:Path -split ';' | Where-Object { $v = $_; $patterns | ForEach-Object { $v -notmatch $_ } | All } $newPaths = ,$path + $restPaths | Where-Object { -not [String]::IsNullOrEmpty($_) } Set-Item Env:\Path -Value ($newPaths -join ';') } function Get-InstalledItems { param ( [Parameter(Mandatory)][String] $App ) if (-not (Test-Path (Get-GhcupsInstall))) { @() return } $path = "$(Get-GhcupsInstall)\$App-" Get-Item "$path*" | ForEach-Object { ([String]$_).Remove(0, $path.Length) } } # .SYNOPSIS # Creats the ghcups.yaml with the default contents. function Write-GhcupsConfigTemplate { param ( [String] $Path = '.' ) "# The key is the name you want, the value is the path of directory which contains ghc, ghci, etc.`nghc: {}`n`n# The same with ghc for cabal.`ncabal: {}" | Out-File (Join-Path $Path $localConfigName) -NoClobber } function Get-ExePathsFromConfigs { param ( [Hashtable[]] $Configs, [String] $name ) $patterns = ` $Configs | ` ForEach-Object { Get-HashtaleItem $name $_ } | ` Where-Object { $null -ne $_ } | ` ForEach-Object -begin { [Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute('UseDeclaredVarsMoreThanAssignments', 'paths')] $paths = @() } -process { $paths += $_.Values } -end { $paths } | ` Where-Object { -not [String]::IsNullOrEmpty($_) } if ($null -eq $patterns) { @() } $patterns } function Get-GhcupsInstall { param () if ([String]::IsNullOrEmpty($Env:GhcupsInstall)) { $userGlobalDataPath return } $Env:GhcupsInstall } # only x86_64, i386 supported function Get-Architecture { if ([Environment]::Is64BitOperatingSystem) { 'x86_64' return } 'i386' return } function Write-StatusLine { param ( [Parameter(Mandatory)][String] $Name, [Parameter(Mandatory)][AllowNull()][AllowEmptyString()][String] $Path, [Bool] $Supported = $false ) Write-Host "$Name$(' ' * [Math]::Abs(8 - $Name.Length)) " -NoNewline if ($Supported) { Write-Host "S" -ForegroundColor DarkBlue -BackgroundColor White -NoNewline } else { Write-Host " " -BackgroundColor White -NoNewline } if (-not ([String]::IsNullOrEmpty($Path))) { Write-Host " $Path" -NoNewline } Write-Host } function Write-Quote { param ( [Parameter(Mandatory)][AllowNull()][AllowEmptyString()][String] $Content ) foreach ($line in $Content -Split [Environment]::NewLine) { Write-Host ' | ' -ForegroundColor Gray -NoNewline Write-Host $line } } # GHC function Get-GhcupsGhc { param ( [Parameter(Mandatory)][String] $Version ) "$(Get-GhcupsInstall)\ghc-$Version\bin" } function Get-GhcPathPattern { param () [Regex]::Escape((Get-GhcupsInstall)) + '\\ghc-' + $versionPattern + '\\bin' } # .SYNOPSIS # Sets the version or variant of GHC to the Path environment variable of the current session. function Set-Ghc { param ( [Parameter(Mandatory)][String] $Name ) $ErrorActionPreference = 'Stop' $localConfig = Get-Config (Find-LocalConfigPath (Get-Location)) $userGlobalConfig = Get-Config (Join-Path $userGlobalDataPath $globalConfigName) $systemGlobalConfig = Get-Config (Join-Path $systemGlobalDataPath $globalConfigName) [Hashtable] $cs = Join-Hashtables $localConfig, $userGlobalConfig, $systemGlobalConfig $ghcDir = Get-HashtaleItem -Name 'ghc', $Name -Hashtable $cs if ([String]::IsNullOrEmpty($ghcDir)) { if ($Name -notmatch ('\A' + $versionPattern + '\Z')) { Write-Error "No sutch GHC: $Name" return } $ghcDir = Get-GhcupsGhc $Name } $patterns = Get-ExePathsFromConfigs $localConfig, $userGlobalConfig, $systemGlobalConfig 'ghc' | ForEach-Object { '\A' + [Regex]::Escape($_) + '\Z' } $patterns += Get-GhcPathPattern Set-PathEnv $patterns $ghcDir } # .SYNOPSIS # Removes all GHC values from the Path environment variable of the current session. function Clear-Ghc { $ErrorActionPreference = 'Stop' $localConfig = Get-Config (Find-LocalConfigPath (Get-Location)) $userGlobalConfig = Get-Config (Join-Path $userGlobalDataPath $globalConfigName) $systemGlobalConfig = Get-Config (Join-Path $systemGlobalDataPath $globalConfigName) $patterns = Get-ExePathsFromConfigs $localConfig, $userGlobalConfig, $systemGlobalConfig 'ghc' | ForEach-Object { '\A' + [Regex]::Escape($_) + '\Z' } $patterns += Get-GhcPathPattern Set-PathEnv $patterns $null } # .SYNOPSIS # Installs the specified GHC. function Install-Ghc { param ( [Parameter(Mandatory)][String] $Version, [Switch] $Set = $false, [Switch] $Force = $false ) $ErrorActionPreference = 'Stop' if (Test-Path "$(Get-GhcupsInstall)\ghc-$Version") { if ($Force) { Uninstall-Ghc $Version } else { $choice = Read-Host "GHC $Version looks already installed. Do you want to reinstall? [y/N]" if ('y' -ne $choice) { return } Uninstall-Ghc $Version } } $tempDir = [System.IO.Path]::GetTempPath() $arch = Get-Architecture $fileName = "ghc-$Version-$arch-unknown-mingw32" if (Test-Path "$tempDir$fileName.tar.xz") { Write-Host "A downloaded archive file is found: $tempDir$fileName.tar.xz" $choice = Read-Host "Do you want to use this? [y/N]" if ('y' -ne $choice) { Remove-Item "$tempDir$fileName.tar.xz" (New-Object System.Net.WebClient).DownloadFile("$Version/$fileName.tar.xz", "$tempDir$fileName.tar.xz") } } else { (New-Object System.Net.WebClient).DownloadFile("$Version/$fileName.tar.xz", "$tempDir$fileName.tar.xz") } if (Test-Path "$tempDir$fileName.tar") { Remove-Item "$tempDir$fileName.tar" } 7z x "-o$tempDir$fileName.tar" "$tempDir$fileName.tar.xz" 7z x "-o$(Get-GhcupsInstall)" "$tempDir$fileName.tar" if ($Set) { Set-Ghc -Ghc $Version } } # .SYNOPSIS # Uninstalls the specified GHC. function Uninstall-Ghc { param ( [Parameter(Mandatory)][String] $Version ) $ErrorActionPreference = 'Stop' Remove-Item -Recurse -Force "$(Get-GhcupsInstall)\ghc-$Version" } # .SYNOPSIS # Shows the GHCs which is specified by the ghcups.yaml and config.yaml, which is installed by the Ghcups and which is not yet installed. function Show-Ghc { param ( [Switch] $HumanReadable = $false ) $ErrorActionPreference = 'Stop' $localConfigPath = Find-LocalConfigPath (Get-Location) $localConfig = Get-Config $localConfigPath $userGlobalConfig = Get-Config (Join-Path $userGlobalDataPath $globalConfigName) $systemGlobalConfig = Get-Config (Join-Path $systemGlobalDataPath $globalConfigName) $config = Join-Hashtables $localConfig, $userGlobalConfig, $systemGlobalConfig $paths = Get-HashtaleItem 'ghc' $config $installeds = Get-InstalledItems 'ghc' $arch = Get-Architecture $supporteds = Get-HashtaleItem 'ghc', $arch (Get-Config "$($MyInvocation.MyCommand.Module.ModuleBase)\version.yaml") if ($HumanReadable) { if ($null -ne $paths) { foreach ($name in $paths.Keys) { Write-StatusLine $name $paths[$name] } } $result = @{} foreach ($version in $installeds) { $result.Add($version, @{ 'Supported' = $false; 'Path' = "$(Get-GhcupsInstall)\ghc-$version" }) } foreach ($version in $supporteds) { if ($null -eq $result[$version]) { $result.Add($version, @{ 'Supported' = $true; 'Path' = $null }) } else { $result[$version]['Supported'] = $true } } foreach ($version in $result.Keys | ForEach-Object { [Version]$_ } | Sort-Object -Descending | ForEach-Object { [String]$_ }) { Write-StatusLine $version $result[$version].Path -Supported $result[$version].Supported } Write-Output 'S: supported' return } $result = @{} if ($null -ne $paths) { foreach ($name in $paths.Keys) { $result.Add($name, @{ 'Name' = $name; 'Path' = $paths[$name] }) } } foreach ($version in $installeds) { $result.Add($version, @{ 'Name' = $version; 'Path' = "$(Get-GhcupsInstall)\ghc-$version" }) } foreach ($version in $supporteds) { if ($null -eq $result[$version]) { $result.Add($version, @{ 'Name' = $version }) } } $result } # Cabal function Get-GhcupsCabal { param ( [Parameter(Mandatory)][String] $Version ) "$(Get-GhcupsInstall)\cabal-$Version" } function Get-CabalPathPattern { [Regex]::Escape((Get-GhcupsInstall)) + '\\cabal-' + $versionPattern } # .SYNOPSIS # Sets the version or variant of Cabal to the Path environment variable of the current session. function Set-Cabal { param ( [Parameter(Mandatory)][String] $Name ) $ErrorActionPreference = 'Stop' $localConfig = Get-Config (Find-LocalConfigPath (Get-Location)) $userGlobalConfig = Get-Config (Join-Path $userGlobalDataPath $globalConfigName) $systemGlobalConfig = Get-Config (Join-Path $systemGlobalDataPath $globalConfigName) $cabalDir = Get-HashtaleItem -Name 'cabal', $Name -Hashtable (Join-Hashtables $localConfig, $userGlobalConfig, $systemGlobalConfig) if ([String]::IsNullOrEmpty($cabalDir)) { if ($Name -notmatch ('\A' + $versionPattern + '\Z')) { Write-Error "No sutch Cabal: $Name" return } $cabalDir = Get-GhcupsCabal $Name } $patterns = Get-ExePathsFromConfigs $localConfig, $userGlobalConfig, $systemGlobalConfig 'cabal' | ForEach-Object { '\A' + [Regex]::Escape($_) + '\Z' } $patterns += Get-CabalPathPattern Set-PathEnv $patterns $cabalDir } # .SYNOPSIS # Removes all Cabal values from the Path environment variable of the current session. function Clear-Cabal { $ErrorActionPreference = 'Stop' $localConfig = Get-Config (Find-LocalConfigPath (Get-Location)) $userGlobalConfig = Get-Config (Join-Path $userGlobalDataPath $globalConfigName) $systemGlobalConfig = Get-Config (Join-Path $systemGlobalDataPath $globalConfigName) $patterns = Get-ExePathsFromConfigs $localConfig, $userGlobalConfig, $systemGlobalConfig 'cabal' | ForEach-Object { '\A' + [Regex]::Escape($_) + '\Z' } $patterns += Get-CabalPathPattern Set-PathEnv $patterns $null } # .SYNOPSIS # Installs the specified Cabal. function Install-Cabal { param ( [Parameter(Mandatory)][String] $Version, [Switch] $Set = $false, [Switch] $Force = $false ) $ErrorActionPreference = 'Stop' if (Test-Path "$(Get-GhcupsInstall)\cabal-$Version") { if ($Force) { Uninstall-Cabal $Version } else { $choice = Read-Host "Cabal $Version looks already installed. Do you want to reinstall? [y/N]" if ('y' -ne $choice) { return } Uninstall-Cabal $Version } } $tempDir = [System.IO.Path]::GetTempPath() $arch = Get-Architecture $fileName = "cabal-install-$Version-$" if (Test-Path "$tempDir$fileName") { Write-Host "A downloaded archive file is found: $tempDir$fileName" $choice = Read-Host "Do you want to use this? [y/N]" if ('y' -ne $choice) { Remove-Item "$tempDir$fileName" (New-Object System.Net.WebClient).DownloadFile("$Version/$fileName", "$tempDir$fileName") } } else { (New-Object System.Net.WebClient).DownloadFile("$Version/$fileName", "$tempDir$fileName") } Expand-Archive "$tempDir$fileName" "$(Get-GhcupsInstall)\cabal-$Version" if ($Set) { Set-Cabal -Cabal $Version } } # .SYNOPSIS # Uninstalls the specified Cabal. function Uninstall-Cabal { param ( [Parameter(Mandatory)][String] $Version ) $ErrorActionPreference = 'Stop' Remove-Item -Recurse -Force "$(Get-GhcupsInstall)\cabal-$Version" } # .SYNOPSIS # Shows the Cabals which is specified by the ghcups.yaml and config.yaml, which is installed by the Ghcups and which is not installed yet. function Show-Cabal { param ( [Switch] $HumanReadable = $false ) $ErrorActionPreference = 'Stop' $localConfigPath = Find-LocalConfigPath (Get-Location) $localConfig = Get-Config $localConfigPath $userGlobalConfig = Get-Config (Join-Path $userGlobalDataPath $globalConfigName) $systemGlobalConfig = Get-Config (Join-Path $systemGlobalDataPath $globalConfigName) $config = Join-Hashtables $localConfig, $userGlobalConfig, $systemGlobalConfig $paths = Get-HashtaleItem 'cabal' $config $installeds = Get-InstalledItems 'cabal' $arch = Get-Architecture $supporteds = Get-HashtaleItem 'cabal', $arch (Get-Config "$($MyInvocation.MyCommand.Module.ModuleBase)\version.yaml") if ($HumanReadable) { if ($null -ne $paths) { foreach ($name in $paths.Keys) { Write-StatusLine $name $paths[$name] } } $result = @{} foreach ($version in $installeds) { $result.Add($version, @{ 'Supported' = $false; 'Path' = "$(Get-GhcupsInstall)\cabal-$version" }) } foreach ($version in $supporteds) { if ($null -eq $result[$version]) { $result.Add($version, @{ 'Supported' = $true; 'Path' = $null }) } else { $result[$version]['Supported'] = $true } } foreach ($version in $result.Keys | ForEach-Object { [Version]$_ } | Sort-Object -Descending | ForEach-Object { [String]$_ }) { Write-StatusLine $version $result[$version].Path -Supported $result[$version].Supported } Write-Output 'S: supported' return } $result = @{} if ($null -ne $paths) { foreach ($name in $paths.Keys) { $result.Add($name, @{ 'Name' = $name; 'Path' = $paths[$name] }) } } foreach ($version in $installeds) { $result.Add($version, @{ 'Name' = $version; 'Path' = "$(Get-GhcupsInstall)\cabal-$version" }) } foreach ($version in $supporteds) { if ($null -eq $result[$version]) { $result.Add($version, @{ 'Name' = $version }) } } $result } # .SYNOPSIS # Shows the loaded configurations which are re-generated to YAML. function Show-GhcupsConfig { $ErrorActionPreference = 'Stop' $localConfigPath = Find-LocalConfigPath (Get-Location) $localConfig = Get-Config $localConfigPath $userGlobalConfigPath = Join-Path $userGlobalDataPath $globalConfigName $userGlobalConfig = Get-Config $userGlobalConfigPath $systemGlobalConfigPath = Join-Path $systemGlobalDataPath $globalConfigName $systemGlobalConfig = Get-Config $systemGlobalConfigPath $config = Join-Hashtables $localConfig, $userGlobalConfig, $systemGlobalConfig if ([String]::IsNullOrEmpty($localConfigPath)) { Write-Host "Local config:" Write-Host " Not found" } elseif ($null -eq $localConfig) { Write-Host "Local config: $localConfigPath" Write-Host " Empty" } else { Write-Host "Local config: $localConfigPath" Write-Quote (ConvertTo-Yaml $localConfig) } Write-Host Write-Host "User global config: $userGlobalConfigPath" if (-not (Test-Path $userGlobalDataPath)) { Write-Host " Not found" } elseif ($null -eq $userGlobalConfig) { Write-Host " Empty file" } else { Write-Quote (ConvertTo-Yaml $userGlobalConfig) } Write-Host Write-Host "System global config: $systemGlobalConfigPath" if (-not (Test-Path $systemGlobalDataPath)) { Write-Host " Not found" } elseif ($null -eq $systemGlobalConfig) { Write-Host " Empty file" } else { Write-Quote (ConvertTo-Yaml $systemGlobalConfig) } Write-Host Write-Host "Merged config:" if ($null -eq $config) { Write-Host " Nothing" } else { Write-Quote (ConvertTo-Yaml $config) } } # Export Export-ModuleMember ` -Function ` 'Set-Ghc', ` 'Clear-Ghc', ` 'Install-Ghc', ` 'Uninstall-Ghc', ` 'Show-Ghc', ` 'Set-Cabal', ` 'Clear-Cabal', ` 'Install-Cabal', ` 'Uninstall-Cabal', ` 'Show-Cabal', ` 'Write-GhcupsConfigTemplate', ` 'Show-GhcupsConfig' |