
# Call Invoke-Pester

Set-StrictMode -Version Latest

Import-Module powershell-yaml

Set-Variable originalPath -Option Constant -Value "$Env:Path"
Set-Variable originalProgramData -Option Constant -Value "$Env:ProgramData"
Set-Variable originalAPPDATA -Option Constant -Value "$Env:APPDATA"
Set-Variable originalPWD -Option Constant -Value "$PWD"
Set-Variable originalGhcupsInstall -Option Constant -Value "$Env:GhcupsInstall"

function New-TemporaryDirectory {
    $parent = [System.IO.Path]::GetTempPath()
    [String] $name = [System.Guid]::NewGuid()
    New-Item -ItemType Directory -Path (Join-Path $parent $name)

$Env:ProgramData = New-TemporaryDirectory
New-Item -ItemType Directory -Path "$Env:ProgramData\ghcups"

$Env:APPDATA = New-TemporaryDirectory
New-Item -ItemType Directory -Path "$Env:APPDATA\ghcups"

Import-Module -Force (Join-Path "$PSScriptRoot" 'ghcups.psm1')

$tempPWD = New-TemporaryDirectory
Set-Location $tempPWD

$Env:GhcupsInstall = $tempPWD

Write-Host "tempPWD: $tempPWD"

Describe "Set-Ghc" {
    It "Add 8.8.1 to the empty path" {
        Write-Host "tempPWD: $tempPWD"

        $Env:Path = ''
        Set-Ghc 8.8.1
        $Env:Path | Should -Be "$tempPWD\ghc-8.8.1\bin"

    It "Add 8.8.1 to the path which contains 8.6.5" {
        $Env:Path = "$tempPWD\ghc-8.6.5\bin"
        Set-Ghc 8.8.1
        $Env:Path | Should -Be "$tempPWD\ghc-8.8.1\bin"

    It "Add foo of config to the empty path" {
        $Env:Path = ''
        'ghc: { foo: ''C:\'' }' | Out-File ghcups.yaml
        Set-Ghc 'foo'
        $Env:Path | Should -Be 'C:\'

    It "Add foo of config to the path which contains another directory which exits in config" {
        $Env:Path = 'D:\'
        'ghc: { foo: ''C:\'', bar: ''D:\'' }' | Out-File ghcups.yaml
        Set-Ghc 'foo'
        $Env:Path | Should -Be 'C:\'

    It "Add foo of config to the path which contains another directory which does not exit in config" {
        $Env:Path = 'D:\'
        'ghc: { foo: ''C:\'' }' | Out-File ghcups.yaml
        Set-Ghc 'foo'
        $Env:Path | Should -Be 'C:\;D:\'

    It "Add foo of config to the path which contains a subdirectory of foo" {
        $Env:Path = 'C:\Windows'
        'ghc: { foo: ''C:\'' }' | Out-File ghcups.yaml
        Set-Ghc 'foo'
        $Env:Path | Should -Be 'C:\;C:\Windows'

    It "Add foo in system global config when local config exists" {
        $Env:Path = ''
        'ghc: { foo: ''C:\'' }' | Out-File "$Env:ProgramData\ghcups\config.yaml"
        'ghc: { bar: ''C:\Windows'' }' | Out-File ghcups.yaml
        Set-Ghc 'foo'
        $Env:Path | Should -Be 'C:\'

    It "Add bar in user global config when local and system global configs exists" {
        $Env:Path = ''
        'ghc: { foo: ''C:\'' }' | Out-File "$Env:ProgramData\ghcups\config.yaml"
        'ghc: { bar: ''C:\Users'' }' | Out-File "$Env:APPDATA\ghcups\config.yaml"
        'ghc: { buz: ''C:\Windows'' }' | Out-File ghcups.yaml
        Set-Ghc 'bar'
        $Env:Path | Should -Be 'C:\Users'

    AfterEach {
        Remove-Item 'ghcups.yaml' -ErrorAction Ignore

    AfterAll {
        Remove-Item $Env:ProgramData -Recurse -ErrorAction Ignore
        Set-Location $originalPWD
        Remove-Item $tempPWD -Recurse
        Set-Item Env:\Path -Value $originalPath
        Set-Item Env:\ProgramData -Value $originalProgramData
        Set-Item Env:\APPDATA -Value $originalAPPDATA
        Set-Item Env:\GhcupsInstall -Value $originalGhcupsInstall