.VERSION 1.2 .GUID 39040cec-77cd-48c0-8f25-4f8a19568740 .AUTHOR @ryan_c_butler .COMPANYNAME .COPYRIGHT 2016 .TAGS Netscaler REST License .LICENSEURI .PROJECTURI .ICONURI .EXTERNALMODULEDEPENDENCIES .REQUIREDSCRIPTS .EXTERNALSCRIPTDEPENDENCIES .RELEASENOTES 10-4-16: Now uses Netscaler time VS local system time 12-14-16: Fix for double digit days 12-28-16: Better error handling when grabbing license files and NS version check 08-27-17: Formatting for PS Gallery #> <# .SYNOPSIS Grabs Netscaler license expiration information via REST .DESCRIPTION Grabs Netscaler license expiration information via REST. Twitter: ryan_c_butler Website: Requires: Powershell v3 or greater .PARAMETER nsip DNS Name or IP of the Netscaler that needs to be configured. (MANDATORY) .PARAMETER adminaccount Netscaler admin account (Default: nsroot) .PARAMETER adminpassword Password for the Netscaler admin account (Default: nsroot) .PARAMETER https Use HTTPS for communication .EXAMPLE ./get-nslicexp -nsip .EXAMPLE ./get-nslicexp -nsip | ft -AutoSize .EXAMPLE ./get-nslicexp -nsip -https .EXAMPLE ./get-nslicexp -nsip -adminaccount nsadmin -adminpassword "mysupersecretpassword" #> Param ( [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)]$nsip, [String]$adminaccount="nsroot", [String]$adminpassword="nsroot", [switch]$https ) #Netscaler NSIP login information if ($https) { [Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol = [Net.SecurityProtocolType]::Tls [System.Net.ServicePointManager]::ServerCertificateValidationCallback = {$true} write-host "Connecting HTTPS" -ForegroundColor Yellow $hostname = "https://" + $nsip } else { write-host "Connecting HTTP" -ForegroundColor Yellow $hostname = "http://" + $nsip } $username = $adminaccount $password = $adminpassword ##Functions ############################### #Probably not much you have to edit below this ############################### function Login-ns { # Login to NetScaler and save session to global variable $body = ConvertTo-JSON @{ "login"=@{ "username"="$username"; "password"="$password" } } try { Invoke-RestMethod -uri "$hostname/nitro/v1/config/login" -body $body -SessionVariable NSSession ` -Headers @{"Content-Type"="application/"} -Method POST|Out-Null $Script:NSSession = $local:NSSession } Catch { throw $_ } } function Logout-ns { #logs out of Netscaler $body = ConvertTo-JSON @{ "logout"=@{ } } Invoke-RestMethod -uri "$hostname/nitro/v1/config/logout" -body $body -WebSession $NSSession ` -Headers @{"Content-Type"="application/"} -Method POST|Out-Null } function get-nslicense ($filename) { #Grabs license file $urlstring = "$hostname" + "/nitro/v1/config/systemfile/" + $filename+ "?args=filelocation:%2Fnsconfig%2Flicense" try { $info = Invoke-RestMethod -uri $urlstring -WebSession $NSSession ` -Headers @{"Content-Type"="application/json"} -Method GET $msg = $info.message } Catch { throw "Error reading license(s): " + ($_.ErrorDetails.Message|ConvertFrom-Json).message } #Converts returned value from BASE64 to UTF8 $info = [System.Text.Encoding]::UTF8.GetString([System.Convert]::FromBase64String($info.systemfile.filecontent)) #Grabs needed line that has licensing information $lines = $info.Split("`n")|where{$_ -like "*INCREMENT*"} #Parses needed date values from string $licdates = @() foreach ($line in $lines) { $licdate = $line.Split() if ($licdate[4] -like "permanent") { $expire = "PERMANENT" } else { $expire = [datetime]$licdate[4] } #adds date to object $temp = New-Object PSObject -Property @{ expdate = $expire feature = $licdate[1] } $licdates += $temp } Return $licdates } function get-nslicenses { #Gets available license files $urlstring = "$hostname" + "/nitro/v1/config/systemfile?args=filelocation:%2Fnsconfig%2Flicense" try { $info = Invoke-RestMethod -uri $urlstring -WebSession $NSSession ` -Headers @{"Content-Type"="application/json"} -Method GET $msg = $info.message } Catch { throw "Error locating license(s): " + ($_.ErrorDetails.Message|ConvertFrom-Json).message } $info = $info.systemfile|where{$_.filename -like "*.lic"} Return $info } function check-nslicense () { #Compares dates and places results into array $currentnstime = get-nstime write-host "Current NS Time:" $currentnstime $licenses = get-nslicenses $results = @() foreach($license in $licenses) { write-host $license.filename -ForegroundColor Green $dates = get-nslicense($license.filename) foreach ($date in $dates) { if ($date.expdate -like "PERMANENT") { $expires = "PERMANENT" $span = "9999" } else { $expires = ($date.expdate).ToShortDateString() $span = (New-TimeSpan -Start $currentnstime -end ($date.expdate)).days } $temp = New-Object PSObject -Property @{ Expires = $expires Feature = $date.feature DaysLeft = $span LicenseFile = $license.filename NSIP = $nsip } $results += $temp } } return $results } function get-nstime { #Gets currenttime from netscaler $urlstring = "$hostname" + "/nitro/v1/config/nsconfig" try { $info = Invoke-RestMethod -uri $urlstring -WebSession $NSSession ` -Headers @{"Content-Type"="application/json"} -Method GET $currentdatestr = $info.nsconfig.currentsytemtime } Catch { $ErrorMessage = $_.Exception.Response $FailedItem = $_.Exception.ItemName } #converts string into datetime format #Fix for dates with single day integer $currentdatestr = $currentdatestr -replace " "," 0" $nsdate = [DateTime]::ParseExact($currentdatestr,"ddd MMM dd HH:mm:ss yyyy",$null) return $nsdate } function check-nsversion { #Checks for supported NS version $info = Invoke-RestMethod -uri "$hostname/nitro/v1/config/nsversion" -WebSession $NSSession ` -Headers @{"Content-Type"="application/json"} -Method GET $version = $info.nsversion.version $version = $version.Substring(12,4) if ($version -lt 10.5) { throw "Version of Netsaler firmware must be greater or equal to 10.5" } } #Call functions here login-ns check-nsversion return check-nslicense logout-ns |