.VERSION 1.0 .GUID 7944e874-eb33-496b-89c6-790bb28675df .AUTHOR Vikas Sukhija .COMPANYNAME Techwizard.cloud .COPYRIGHT Techwizard.cloud .TAGS .LICENSEURI .PROJECTURI .ICONURI .EXTERNALMODULEDEPENDENCIES .REQUIREDSCRIPTS .EXTERNALSCRIPTDEPENDENCIES .RELEASENOTES .PRIVATEDATA #> <# .DESCRIPTION flowmonitorandalert #> <# .NOTES ========================================================================== Created with: ISE Created on: 9/27/2022 1:46 PM Created by: Vikas Sukhija Organization: Filename: flowmonitorandalert.ps1 ========================================================================== .DESCRIPTION This script will monitor flows for particular users in particular Environments #> param ( [string]$CreatedbyGUID,#Enter Guid of the user - ObjectID [string]$FlowNamematch, #Enter Flow Name if not using CreatedbyGUID [string]$EnvironmentName = $(Read-Host "Enter Enviornment GUID"), [string]$smtpserver = $(Read-Host -Prompt "Enter SMTP Server"), [string]$from = $(Read-Host -Prompt "Enter From Address"), [string]$erroremail = $(Read-Host -Prompt "Enter Address for Report and Errors") ) New-FolderCreation -foldername temp #####################Log and Variables################################# $log = Write-Log -Name "flowmonitorandalert" -folder "logs" -Ext "log" $logrecyclelimit = 60 ##################get-credentials########################## Write-Log -message "Start ......... Script" -path $log Write-Log -message "Get Crendetials for Admin ID" -path $log if(Test-Path -Path ".\Password.xml") { Write-Log -message "Password file Exists" -path $log } else { Write-Log -message "Generate password" -path $log $Credential = Get-Credential $Credential | Export-Clixml -Path ".\Password.xml" } ############################################################# $Credential = $null $Credential = Import-Clixml -Path ".\Password.xml" ########################Start Script############################## Write-Log -Message "Start ....................Script" -path $log try{ Add-PowerAppsAccount -Username $Credential.UserName -Password $Credential.Password } catch{ $exception = $($_.Exception.Message) Write-log -message "Exception $exception has occured" -path $log -Severity Error Send-MailMessage -SmtpServer $smtpserver -From $from -To $erroremail -Subject "Error - flowmonitorandalert" -Body $exception exit } #########fetch flows based on above criteria daily at 11 PM##################### try{ if((($CreatedbyGUID) -and ($(get-date).TimeOfDay.Hours -eq 23)) -or (($CreatedbyGUID) -and $(Test-Path -path $($(get-location).Path + "\temp\$CreatedbyGUID-$EnvironmentName.xml")) -eq $false)){ Write-log -message "Extracting - $CreatedbyGUID $EnvironmentName" -path $log Get-AdminFlow -CreatedBy $CreatedbyGUID -EnvironmentName $EnvironmentName | select DisplayName, FlowName, CreatedBy, EnvironmentName, Enabled,CreatedTime, LastModifiedTime | Export-Clixml ".\temp\$CreatedbyGUID-$EnvironmentName.xml" Write-log -message "Extracted - $CreatedbyGUID $EnvironmentName" -path $log }elseif((($FlowNamematch) -and ($(get-date).TimeOfDay.Hours -eq 23)) -or (($FlowNamematch) -and $(Test-Path -path $($(get-location).Path + "\temp\$FlowNamematch-$EnvironmentName.xml")) -eq $false)) { Write-log -message "Extracting - $FlowNamematch $EnvironmentName" -path $log Get-AdminFlow *$FlowNamematch* -EnvironmentName $EnvironmentName | select DisplayName, FlowName, CreatedBy, EnvironmentName, Enabled,CreatedTime, LastModifiedTime | Export-Clixml ".\temp\$FlowNamematch-$EnvironmentName.xml" Write-log -message "Extracted - $FlowNamematch $EnvironmentName" -path $log }else{ Write-log -message "CreatedBy and Flow Name condtions not met for generation" -path $log } } catch{ $exception = $($_.Exception.Message) Write-log -message "Exception $exception has occured" -path $log -Severity Error Send-MailMessage -SmtpServer $smtpserver -From $from -To $erroremail -Subject "Error - flowmonitorandalert" -Body $exception exit } ##########################Monitor the Enabled Flows###################### if($CreatedbyGUID){ $monitorflows = Import-Clixml ".\temp\$CreatedbyGUID-$EnvironmentName.xml" | where{$_.Enabled -eq $true} } elseif($FlowNamematch){ $monitorflows = Import-Clixml ".\temp\$FlowNamematch-$EnvironmentName.xml" | where{$_.Enabled -eq $true} } else{ Write-log -message "CreatedBy and Flow Name both Values are null " -path $log -Severity Error timeout 20 Exit } Write-log -message "Monitor Flow Count - $($monitorflows.Count)" -path $log foreach($flow in $monitorflows){ Write-log -message "Fetch flow run for $($flow.DisplayName)" -path $log $getdate = (Get-Date).AddHours(-2) $getflowrun = Get-FlowRun -FlowName $flow.FlowName -EnvironmentName $EnvironmentName $previous2hrsflowruns = $getflowrun | where{(get-date $_.StartTime) -gt $getdate} foreach($hflow in $previous2hrsflowruns){ if($hflow.Status -eq "Failed"){ Write-log -message "failed Flow - $($flow.DisplayName) - $($flow.FlowName)" -path $log Send-MailMessage -SmtpServer $smtpserver -From $from -To $erroremail -Subject "Error - flow failed - $($flow.DisplayName)" -Body "Error - flow failed - $($flow.DisplayName)" } } } #############################recycel logs########################### Set-Recyclelogs -foldername "logs" -limit $logrecyclelimit -Confirm:$false Write-Log -Message "Script .......Finished" -path $log #Send-MailMessage -SmtpServer $smtpserver -From $from -To $erroremail -Subject "Transcript Log - flowmonitorandalert" -Attachments $log #################################################################### |