function ConvertTo-TuneFile { <# .SYNOPSIS Converts files to JSONL format for chatbot training. .DESCRIPTION This function takes various input types and converts them to JSONL format. Each line or row becomes an "assistant" message in the JSONL. This command is under development and made me realize that they really mean it when they say that you gotta have good data for your training model. This probably will make bad data. .PARAMETER InputObject The input to be converted. Can be a file path, FileInfo object, or a PSCustomObject. .PARAMETER SystemContent The system message for the JSONL file. .PARAMETER Include When converting a module, include examples in the JSONL file. Values include: Synopsis, Description, Parameters, Parameters, Examples, All .PARAMETER ExcludeParameters When converting a module, exclude the specified parameters from the JSONL file. .EXAMPLE Import-Module dbatools Get-Module dbatools | ConvertTo-TuneFile -SystemContent "You are a friendly dbatools support chatbot and PowerShell expert who helps people find the commands they need" This example demonstrates how to convert a dbatools module into a Tune file, defining the chatbot's persona as a friendly dbatools support expert. .EXAMPLE ConvertTo-TuneFile -InputObject C:\path\to\file.txt -SystemContent 'You are a friendly dbatools and PowerShell expert who offers tech support to DBAs and Systems Engineers' This example shows how to convert a text file into a Tune file, defining the chatbot's persona as a friendly tech support expert for dbatools and PowerShell. .EXAMPLE ConvertTo-TuneFile -InputObject C:\path\to\file.csv -SystemContent 'You are a chatbot' This example demonstrates converting a CSV file into a Tune file, with a simple system content defining the chatbot's persona. #> [CmdletBinding(SupportsShouldProcess)] param ( [Parameter(Mandatory, ValueFromPipeline)] [psobject[]]$InputObject, [Parameter(Mandatory)] [string]$SystemContent, [ValidateSet('Synopsis', 'Description', 'Parameters', 'Examples', 'All')] [string[]]$Include = @( 'Synopsis', 'Description' ), [string[]]$ExcludeParameters ) begin { if ($Include -contains 'All') { $Include = @('Synopsis', 'Description', 'Parameters', 'Examples') } } process { $null = $PSDefaultParameterValues['*:Compress'] = $true foreach ($object in $InputObject) { $type = $null # Determine the type of InputObject if ($object -is [string] -and (Test-Path $object)) { $type = "path" } elseif ($object -is [System.IO.FileInfo]) { $type = "path" } elseif ($object.PSObject.TypeNames -match "PSCustomObject") { $type = "psobject" } elseif ($object.PSObject.TypeNames -match "PSModuleInfo") { # oh yeah! $type = "module" } else { $type = "unsupported" } # Process based on the file type switch ($type) { "path" { foreach ($file in $object) { Write-Verbose "Processing $file" $extension = (Get-ChildItem $file).Extension $basename = (Get-ChildItem $file).BaseName $outputFilePath = Join-Path (Get-ChildItem $file).DirectoryName "$basename.jsonl" switch ($extension) { '.txt' { $fileContent = Get-Content $file $jsonlContent = @() foreach ($line in $fileContent) { $json = @{ messages = @( @{ role = 'system'; content = $SystemContent }, @{ role = 'assistant'; content = $line } ) } | ConvertTo-Json $jsonlContent += $json } $jsonlContent -join "`n" | Set-Content -Path $outputFilePath } '.csv' { $csvContent = Import-Csv $file $jsonlContent = @() foreach ($row in $csvContent) { $json = @{ messages = @( @{ role = 'system'; content = $SystemContent }, @{ role = 'assistant'; content = $row } ) } | ConvertTo-Json $jsonlContent += $json } $jsonlContent -join "`n" | Set-Content -Path $outputFilePath } '.pdf' { $pdfContent = Import-PDFFile $file $jsonlContent = @() foreach ($line in $pdfContent) { $json = @{ messages = @( @{ role = 'system'; content = $SystemContent }, @{ role = 'assistant'; content = $line } ) } | ConvertTo-Json $jsonlContent += $json } $jsonlContent -join "`n" | Set-Content -Path $outputFilePath } default { throw "File type $extension is not supported." } } } } "psobject" { # ... (placeholder code for handling PSCustomObjects) } "module" { $outputFilePath = Join-Path -Path $pwd -ChildPath "$($object.Name).jsonl" $jsonlContent = New-Object System.Collections.ArrayList $commands = Get-Command -Module $object.Name $commandCount = $commands.Count $i = 0 foreach ($command in $commands) { $messageBlocks = New-Object System.Collections.ArrayList $commandname = $command.Name Write-Verbose "Processing command: $commandname" $i++ $progress = @{ Status = "Processing $commandname" Activity = "Processing $commandCount commands" PercentComplete = (($i / $commandCount) * 100) } Write-Progress @progress $commandHelp = Get-Help -Name $commandname $null = $messageBlocks.Add(@{ role = 'system'; content = $SystemContent }) # For Synopsis if ($Include -contains 'Synopsis') { $synopsis = $commandHelp.Synopsis if ($synopsis) { Write-Verbose "Processing Command synopsis" if ($IncludeSystemOnAll) { $null = $messageBlocks.Add(@{ role = 'system'; content = $SystemContent }) } $null = $messageBlocks.Add(@{ role = 'user'; content = "Can you tell me what the $($commandHelp.Name) command does?" }) $null = $messageBlocks.Add(@{ role = 'assistant'; content = ($synopsis -join "`n") }) } else { Write-Verbose "No synopsis found for $($command.Name)" } } # For Description if ($Include -contains 'Description') { $description = $commandHelp.Description if ($description) { Write-Verbose "Processing description" if ($IncludeSystemOnAll) { $null = $messageBlocks.Add(@{ role = 'system'; content = $SystemContent }) } $null = $messageBlocks.Add(@{ role = 'user'; content = "What is the $($command.Name) command for?" }) $null = $messageBlocks.Add(@{ role = 'assistant'; content = ($description.Text -join "`n") }) } else { Write-Verbose "No description found for $($command.Name)" } } # For Parameters if ($Include -contains 'Parameters') { $params = $commandHelp.Parameters.Parameter foreach ($param in $params) { if ($ -in $ExcludeParameters) { continue } Write-Verbose "Processing parameter: $($" if ($param.description) { if ($IncludeSystemOnAll) { $null = $messageBlocks.Add(@{ role = 'system'; content = $SystemContent }) } $null = $messageBlocks.Add(@{ role = 'user'; content = "What is the $($ parameter for the $($command.Name) for?" }) $null = $messageBlocks.Add(@{ role = 'assistant'; content = $param.description[0].Text }) } else { Write-Verbose "No description found for $($" } } } # For Examples if ($Include -contains 'Examples') { $examples = $commandHelp.Examples.Example foreach ($example in $examples) { if ($example.remarks) { Write-Verbose "Processing example" if ($IncludeSystemOnAll) { $null = $messageBlocks.Add(@{ role = 'system'; content = $SystemContent }) } $null = $messageBlocks.Add(@{ role = 'user'; content = "I want to $($example.remarks.text)" }) $null = $messageBlocks.Add(@{ role = 'assistant'; content = $($example.code) }) } else { Write-Verbose "No description found for $($example.code)" } } } $jsontext = @{ messages = $messageBlocks } $json = $jsontext | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 3 $null = $jsonlContent.Add($json) } $jsonlContent -join "`n" | Set-Content -Path $outputFilePath $tokeninfo = Get-Content -Path $outputFilePath | Measure-TuneToken } "Unsupported" { throw "The type of InputObject is not supported." } } [PSCustomObject]@{ FileName = (Get-ChildItem $outputFilePath).Name TokenCount = $tokeninfo.TokenCount TrainingCost = $tokeninfo.TrainingCost InputUsageCost = $tokeninfo.InputUsageCost OutputUsageCost = $tokeninfo.OutputUsageCost } } } } |