$sut = (Split-Path -Leaf $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path) -replace '\.Unit.Tests\.', '.' Write-Host $sut . "..\public\$sut" Describe "New-AwsSecurityStack AWS Deployment Integration Test" { Mock Get-JiraTicketInfo {$newEnv} Mock Get-NextAclOrder {9000} Mock Update-APMPolicy {} Mock Sync-DeviceToGroup {} Mock Add-JiraIssueComment {} Mock Invoke-JiraIssueTransition {} Mock Get-JiraIssue {} Mock New-JiraSession { } Mock New-F5Session {#mock a failed connection too} Mock New-DefaultAcl { } Mock Remove-Acl {} BeforeAll { $newEnv = @{"cr" = "CR-1000"; "aws_group" = "AWS_00000000000"; "subnet" = ""} } Context "Behavior Checks" { It "Role Parameter Should be Set Properly" { New-AwsSecurityStack -crnumber $newEnv.cr -f5creds $f5 -jiracreds $jira -role dev $role | should be "dev" } It " Jira Credentials Should be sent and If Jira credentials are not passed prompt and set them" { } It "Jira session should be created" { } It "Should scrape info from Jira " { } It "Should check and Warn if scrape is null" { } It "Should prompt for F5 creds if none were passed" { } It "Should throw error if connecting to F5 fails" { } It "Should add a New-Deafual ACL "{ } It "It should throw if adding New-Default ACL fails" { } It "Adds an APM role Mapping "{ } It "Throws if Adding Role Fails calls Removes ACL" } It "Throws if Sync-Device to Group Fails" { } } } |