Function Get-PortInfoFromJira { <# .SYNOPSIS Scrapes jira ticket description for acl related varibles. .Parameter crNumber Existing jira CR Ticket in format CR-#### .Example Get-PortInfoFromJira -crNumber CR-0925 Returns VPN group, subnet, and ports .NOTES Requires Posh-Jira Module from github #> [cmdletBinding()] param( #CR number as CR-######## [Alias("CR-Number")] [ValidatePattern("[a-zA-Z]{2}-[0-9]*")] [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [string]$crNumber ) begin { } process { #parses data based on pass pattern value into objects of array function Get-ParsedData { param ( [string[]]$inputString, [string]$pattern ) $array = @() #split description into an array of lines that match the input pattern $inputString = $inputString | Select-String -Pattern $pattern #remove end of line characters etc $inputString = $inputString -replace "`t|`n|`r","" #loop through the array an return a custom object of arrays of foreach ($item in $inputString){ #split input into array of items speperated by commas $item = ($item -split ":" -split ",").trimstart() #filter out line label "Ports:" [array]$item = $item | Where-Object {$_ -ne $pattern} #POWERSHELL NEEDS A GODDAMNED COMMA TO ADD SINGLE ITEMS TO AN ARRRAY! $array += , $item } ##POWERSHELL NEEDS A GODDAMNED COMMA TO RETURN SINGLE ITEMS AS AN ARRRAY! return , $array } try { $issue = Get-JiraIssue -Key $crNumber -ErrorAction Stop } catch { Write-Host "Failed to get the Jira issue with Key $crNumber" Write-Error $_.Exception.Message break } try { #split the text by lines for select string $desc = $issue.customfield_10508 -split "`n" #grab the [array]$source = Get-ParsedData -inputString $desc -pattern "Source" #split by : then by , the return the array of ports skipping first entry [array]$ports = Get-ParsedData -inputString $desc -pattern "Ports" #same as above but for destination [array]$destination = Get-ParsedData -inputString $desc -pattern "Destination" $output = @() for ($i = 0; $i -lt $source.Count; $i++) { $output += [PSCustomObject]@{ 'source' = $source[$i] 'ports' = $ports[$i] 'destination' = $destination[$i] } } $output } catch { Write-Host "Error parsing ticket data in format: `n Source: `n Ports: `n Desintaion: " Write-Error $_.Exception.Message break } }#end process } |