$sut = (Split-Path -Leaf $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path) -replace '\.Tests\.', '.' . "../public/$sut" Context "Function Unit Tests" -Tag "Unit" { Describe "Get-AsmTaskStatus" { #Create a Fake .Replace Method -- Pester Makes this beyond terrible $F5Session = New-MockObject -Type System.Object $F5Session | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty "BaseURL" -Force -Value { "https://mock"} $F5Session.BaseURL | Add-Member -MemberType ScriptMethod "Replace" -Force -Value { "MockString"} Mock Invoke-RestMethodOverride { $mock = New-MockObject -Type "System.Object" $mock | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "Status" -Value "NEW" $mock } #Mundane API call test to check for a return It "Returns an Object" { $result = Get-AsmTaskStatus -taskId "123456" $result | Should -Not -Be $null Assert-MockCalled -CommandName Invoke-RestMethodOverride -Times 1 } } } Context "Function Integration Tests" -Tag "Integration"{ Describe "Tests" { #need to have credentials stored for user in f5 cred manager It "Connecitng to F5 for testing" { {Connect-F5 -ip ec2f5.boozallencsn.com -creds $f5} | Should Not Throw } It "Creating a task to check on"{ $json = @" { "commands": [ { "uri": "https://aws/mgmt/tm/asm/policies/cR2ICBCueib6eZmArrKDrA", "body": { "kind": "tm:asm:policies:policystate", "virtualServers": [ "/Common/integration-testing" ] }, "method": "PATCH" } ] } "@ $script:task = Invoke-AsmTask -task $json $script:task.Status | Should Be "NEW" } It "Returns ASM Task Status of STARTED" { Get-AsmTaskStatus -taskId $script:task.id | Should be "STARTED" } } } |