
function New-AwsSubnet {
Creates a new project VPN config for a specified subnet and group.
This cmdlet is used when a new environment needs vpn configuration setup but there isn't a properly formed ticket to scrape from.
Example use cases would be new on-prem projects etc.
The AD group that wil be used for both the ACL name and the the LDAP mapping. Generally this is an AWS Account but could also be something like BLUE_DNS
The subnet you wish to use to create the default ACL with
.PARAMETER f5creds
Powershell crednetial object containing F5 login credentials. Can be omitted or passed to save time.
.PARAMETER jiracreds
Powershell crednetial object containing F5 login credentials. Can be omitted or passed to save time.
.PARAMETER onpremf5ip
IP or DNS of onpremise F5 device. Defaults to and generally can be omitted.
.PARAMETER awsf5ip
IP or DNS of AWS F5 device in VCD. Defaults to and generally can be omitted.
Switch paramter for dev or prod. Defaults to prod if omitted.
New-AWSSubnet -awsID AWS_0989809809808 -subnet
Creates a new allow ACL for the default port range to and maps AD group AWS_0989809809808 to this ACL
  It is required that the jirasever have been set using JiraPS module Set-JiraConfigServer -Server ''


    [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
    [string]$awsId = '',

    [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
    [string]$subnet = '',

    [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
    [string]$onrpemf5ip = '',

    [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
    [string]$awsf5ip = '',

    [Validateset('dev', 'prod')]
    [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
    [string]$role = 'prod'


  process {

    [Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol = [Net.SecurityProtocolType]::Tls12

    if( $role -eq 'dev' ){ 
        $vpnrole = "aggregate_acl_act_full_resource_assign_ag"

    else { $vpnrole = "acl_1_act_full_resource_assign_ag" }

         try {

          Write-Output "Please enter you F5 credentials."
          $creds = Get-Credential -Message "Please enter credentials to access the F5 load balancer"
          $Global:F5Session = New-F5Session -LTMName $onrpemf5ip -LTMCredentials $creds -Default -PassThru -ErrorAction Stop


        catch {

          Write-Warning "F5 was unable to connect please check your username, password, and network connection."


    try {
      Write-Output "Adding new ACL......"
      $aclOrder = (Get-NextAclOrder)
      New-DefaultAcl -Name $awsId -subnet $subnet -aclOrder $aclOrder -ErrorAction Stop | Write-Verbose
      Write-Output "Added $($awsId) with subnet $($subnet)"
    catch {
      Write-Warning "Adding ACL failed."

    try {
      Write-Output "Mapping ACl to VPN access role......"
      Add-APMRole -Name $vpnrole -acl $awsId -group $awsId -ErrorAction stop | Write-Verbose
      Write-Output "Mapped ACL $($awsId) to group $($awsId)."

    catch {
      Write-Warning "Mapping ACL to VPN role failed."
      Write-Output "Rolling back changes......"
      Remove-Acl -name $awsId
      Write-Output "ACL $($awsId) has been removed."

    Write-Output "Apply APM Policy......"

      Update-APMPolicy -Name "CSN_VPN_Streamlined" -ErrorAction Stop | Write-Verbose
      Write-Output "Policy Applied"

      Write-Warning "Updating APM Policy failed."

      Write-Output "Syncing Device to Group......"
      Sync-DeviceToGroup -GroupName "Sync_Group" | Write-Verbose
      Write-Output "Synced"
      Write-Warning "Syncing Device to Group failed."
  #Add Same ACL build to AWS F5
   try {

          Write-Output "Connecting to AWS F5 ("
          $Global:F5Session = New-F5Session -LTMName $awsf5ip -LTMCredentials $creds -Default -PassThru -ErrorAction Stop


  catch {

          Write-Warning "F5 was unable to connect please check your username, password, and network connection."


  try {
      Write-Output "Adding new ACL to AWS F5......"
      New-DefaultAcl -Name $awsId -subnet $subnet -aclOrder $aclOrder -ErrorAction Stop | Write-Verbose
      Write-Output "Added $($awsId) with subnet $($subnet)"
    catch {
      Write-Warning "Adding ACL failed."

    try {
      Write-Output "Mapping ACl to VPN access role on AWS F5......"
      Add-APMRole -Name $vpnrole -acl $awsId -group $awsId -ErrorAction stop | Write-Verbose
      Write-Output "Mapped ACL $($awsId) to group $($subnet)."

    catch {
      Write-Warning "Mapping ACL to VPN role failed."
      Write-Output "Rolling back changes......"
      Remove-Acl -name $awsId
      Write-Output "ACL $($awsId) has been removed."

    Write-Output "Apply APM Policy on AWS F5......"

      Update-APMPolicy -Name "CSN_VPN_Streamlined" -ErrorAction Stop | Write-Verbose
      Write-Output "Policy Applied"

      Write-Warning "Updating APM Policy failed."

  }#end function brace