Function Add-DefaultAclSubnet { <# .SYNOPSIS Adds an entire set of CSN default subnet ports to an existing ACL. Current ports are TCP 20,22, 80, 443, 1443, 1521, 1532, 3306, 3389 UPD & TCP, 5432, 5433, 5900, 7331, 8000, 8081, 8443, 8086, 27017, 139-135 UDP, ICMP .PARAMETER name The existing ACL name .PARAMETER dstSubnet The subnet of the network to add. /32 specifies a single ip instead of a network. .EXAMPLE Add-DefaultAclSubnet -name aclName -dstSubnet Adds a new default port range to the ACL 'aclName' on the network .EXAMPLE Add-DefaultAclSubnet -name aclName -dstSubnet Adds a new default port range to ACL 'aclName' on Host .EXAMPLE #> [cmdletBinding()] param( [Alias("existing acl Name")] [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [string[]]$name, [Parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [string]$action="allow", [Alias("Subnet")] [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [string[]]$dstSubnet ) begin { #Test that the F5 session is in a valid format Test-F5Session($F5Session) $acl = Get-SingleAcl -name $name } process { foreach ($subnet in $dstSubnet) { #build $baseAclEntry = @( [PSCustomObject]@{ 'action' = "$action" 'dstEndPort' = 20 'dstStartPort' = 20 'dstSubnet' = "$subnet" 'log' = 'packet' 'protocol' = 6 'scheme' = 'any' 'srcEndPort' = 0 'srcStartPort' = 0 'srcSubnet' = '' }, [PSCustomObject]@{ 'action' = "$action" 'dstEndPort' = 22 'dstStartPort' = 22 'dstSubnet' = "$subnet" 'log' = 'packet' 'protocol' = 6 'scheme' = 'any' 'srcEndPort' = 0 'srcStartPort' = 0 'srcSubnet' = '' }, [PSCustomObject]@{ 'action' = "$action" 'dstEndPort' = 80 'dstStartPort' = 80 'dstSubnet' = "$subnet" 'log' = 'packet' 'protocol' = 6 'scheme' = 'any' 'srcEndPort' = 0 'srcStartPort' = 0 'srcSubnet' = '' }, [PSCustomObject]@{ 'action' = "$action" 'dstEndPort' = 443 'dstStartPort' = 443 'dstSubnet' = "$subnet" 'log' = 'packet' 'protocol' = 6 'scheme' = 'any' 'srcEndPort' = 0 'srcStartPort' = 0 'srcSubnet' = '' }, [PSCustomObject]@{ 'action' = "$action" 'dstEndPort' = 1433 'dstStartPort' = 1433 'dstSubnet' = "$subnet" 'log' = 'packet' 'protocol' = 6 'scheme' = 'any' 'srcEndPort' = 0 'srcStartPort' = 0 'srcSubnet' = '' }, [PSCustomObject]@{ 'action' = "$action" 'dstEndPort' = 1521 'dstStartPort' = 1521 'dstSubnet' = "$subnet" 'log' = 'packet' 'protocol' = 6 'scheme' = 'any' 'srcEndPort' = 0 'srcStartPort' = 0 'srcSubnet' = '' }, [PSCustomObject]@{ 'action' = "$action" 'dstEndPort' = 1532 'dstStartPort' = 1532 'dstSubnet' = "$subnet" 'log' = 'packet' 'protocol' = 6 'scheme' = 'any' 'srcEndPort' = 0 'srcStartPort' = 0 'srcSubnet' = '' }, [PSCustomObject]@{ 'action' = "$action" 'dstEndPort' = 3306 'dstStartPort' = 3306 'dstSubnet' = "$subnet" 'log' = 'packet' 'protocol' = 6 'scheme' = 'any' 'srcEndPort' = 0 'srcStartPort' = 0 'srcSubnet' = '' }, [PSCustomObject]@{ 'action' = "$action" 'dstEndPort' = 3389 'dstStartPort' = 3389 'dstSubnet' = "$subnet" 'log' = 'packet' 'protocol' = 6 'scheme' = 'any' 'srcEndPort' = 0 'srcStartPort' = 0 'srcSubnet' = '' }, [PSCustomObject]@{ 'action' = "$action" 'dstEndPort' = 3389 'dstStartPort' = 3389 'dstSubnet' = "$subnet" 'log' = 'packet' 'protocol' = 17 'scheme' = 'any' 'srcEndPort' = 0 'srcStartPort' = 0 'srcSubnet' = '' }, [PSCustomObject]@{ 'action' = "$action" 'dstEndPort' = 5433 'dstStartPort' = 5432 'dstSubnet' = "$subnet" 'log' = 'packet' 'protocol' = 6 'scheme' = 'any' 'srcEndPort' = 0 'srcStartPort' = 0 'srcSubnet' = '' }, [PSCustomObject]@{ 'action' = "$action" 'dstEndPort' = 5900 'dstStartPort' = 5900 'dstSubnet' = "$subnet" 'log' = 'packet' 'protocol' = 6 'scheme' = 'any' 'srcEndPort' = 0 'srcStartPort' = 0 'srcSubnet' = '' }, [PSCustomObject]@{ 'action' = "$action" 'dstEndPort' = 7331 'dstStartPort' = 7331 'dstSubnet' = "$subnet" 'log' = 'packet' 'protocol' = 6 'scheme' = 'any' 'srcEndPort' = 0 'srcStartPort' = 0 'srcSubnet' = '' }, [PSCustomObject]@{ 'action' = "$action" 'dstEndPort' = 8000 'dstStartPort' = 8000 'dstSubnet' = "$subnet" 'log' = 'packet' 'protocol' = 6 'scheme' = 'any' 'srcEndPort' = 0 'srcStartPort' = 0 'srcSubnet' = '' }, [PSCustomObject]@{ 'action' = "$action" 'dstEndPort' = 8080 'dstStartPort' = 8080 'dstSubnet' = "$subnet" 'log' = 'packet' 'protocol' = 6 'scheme' = 'any' 'srcEndPort' = 0 'srcStartPort' = 0 'srcSubnet' = '' }, [PSCustomObject]@{ 'action' = "$action" 'dstEndPort' = 8081 'dstStartPort' = 8081 'dstSubnet' = "$subnet" 'log' = 'packet' 'protocol' = 6 'scheme' = 'any' 'srcEndPort' = 0 'srcStartPort' = 0 'srcSubnet' = '' }, [PSCustomObject]@{ 'action' = "$action" 'dstEndPort' = 8443 'dstStartPort' = 8443 'dstSubnet' = "$subnet" 'log' = 'packet' 'protocol' = 6 'scheme' = 'any' 'srcEndPort' = 0 'srcStartPort' = 0 'srcSubnet' = '' }, [PSCustomObject]@{ 'action' = "$action" 'dstEndPort' = 8686 'dstStartPort' = 8686 'dstSubnet' = "$subnet" 'log' = 'packet' 'protocol' = 6 'scheme' = 'any' 'srcEndPort' = 0 'srcStartPort' = 0 'srcSubnet' = '' }, [PSCustomObject]@{ 'action' = "$action" 'dstEndPort' = 27017 'dstStartPort' = 27017 'dstSubnet' = "$subnet" 'log' = 'packet' 'protocol' = 6 'scheme' = 'any' 'srcEndPort' = 0 'srcStartPort' = 0 'srcSubnet' = '' }, [PSCustomObject]@{ 'action' = "$action" 'dstEndPort' = 139 'dstStartPort' = 135 'dstSubnet' = "$subnet" 'log' = 'packet' 'protocol' = 6 'scheme' = 'any' 'srcEndPort' = 0 'srcStartPort' = 0 'srcSubnet' = '' }, [PSCustomObject]@{ 'action' = "$action" 'dstEndPort' = 139 'dstStartPort' = 135 'dstSubnet' = "$subnet" 'log' = 'packet' 'protocol' = 17 'scheme' = 'any' 'srcEndPort' = 0 'srcStartPort' = 0 'srcSubnet' = '' }, [PSCustomObject]@{ 'action' = "$action" 'dstEndPort' = 0 'dstStartPort' = 0 'dstSubnet' = "$subnet" 'log' = 'packet' 'protocol' = 1 'scheme' = 'any' 'srcEndPort' = 0 'srcStartPort' = 0 'srcSubnet' = '' } ) $acl.entries += $baseAclEntry $JSONBody = $acl | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 10 $uri = $F5Session.BaseURL.Replace('/ltm/',"/apm/acl/~Common~$name") $response = Invoke-RestMethodOverride -Method Patch -Uri $URI -Body $JSONBody -ContentType 'application/json' -WebSession $F5Session.WebSession $response } } } |